1.1 General order
Each command of BASIC is described with the prescribed form below.

Command name is shown on this bar
Type of command is shown on this bar
Function of each command
Prescribed form
Prescribed form of each command
Example of use
The sample of how to use uses the command which actually is described
Value and the explanation which are appointed to each command
Return value
In case of function explanation of return value of the command which is written
Operational details
Each command furthermore the sign which has been used in the detailed explanatory prescribed form has displayed the following.
. [] With the part which is surrounded is abbreviation possible.
.<> So the part which is surrounded is abbreviation failure. However, when from that [] it is outside, it is abbreviation possible [] only the range.
. {n|m} As for inscription n or the fact that m either prescribed form is selected is displayed.
. “Order related to 2.5 sounds”, “the details of 2.6MML” (something related to sound) with {} with as for the part which is surrounded, the fact that repeatedly it can appoint with the same prescribed form is displayed.
Furthermore, when parameter is abbreviated, case parameter is continued in rear of the parameter which is abbreviated, attaching the comma to position of parameter, please divide.

ABS fixed point type, floating point type function
Absolute value is returned
Prescribed form
ABS (<>)
Example of use
<>… Numerical system. Both value of fixed point type and floating point type is effective.
Return value
<> So absolute value of the numerical value which is given is returned.
Operational details
Type of value of numerical system (fixed point type or floating point type) it does not change. Absolute value, the starting point on the straight line which is inhaled (0) from it is the numerical value which displays absolute distance, the result by all means reaches positive value regardless of the plus and minus of the numerical value which is given.

ASC fixed point type function
The character cord/code is returned
Prescribed form
ASC (<>)
Example of use
A= ASC (“A”)
<> Character string system
Return value
<> So the character cord/code of the first 1 letters in the character string which is given is returned. Type of return value is fixed point type.
Operational details
<> So the character cord/code of the first 1 letters in the character string which is given is returned.

ATN floating point type function
Opposite sine (the arc tangent) it returns
Prescribed form
ATN (<>)
Example of use
A#= ATN (1)
<>… Numerical direction of floating point one. When the result of numerical type is fixed point type, after being converted by floating point type, it gives.
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type. The unit is the radian (2 ## = 360).
Operational details
It was given with numerical system, <> the angle which corresponds is returned. The numerical system which is given to argument while perpendicular with the opposite side in the angle which is calculated and the angle which is calculated being is ratio of the side where it is. When argument is negative value, it returns and the mark is reflected on value.
PRINT ATN (SQR (3)) * 3 -> “3.14159265358979” and indication

BIN$ character string type function
Numerical value is converted to the character string of binary type
Prescribed form
BIN$ (<>[,<>])
Example of use
A$= BIN$ (10)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 3 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
Return value is the character string of binary type.
Operational details
<> So converting the numerical value which is given to the character string of binary type, it returns. <> Case of negative number, 0 (-) attaching the mark to the forefront in the character string, it returns. <> Case it is not negative number, acquiring blank to the forefront in the character string, it returns.
<> With the appointment whether or not it supplies the insufficient beam after the converting with” 0” of, it is processed as follows by the value.
0 insufficient beams are not supplied with” 0”, (the default)
Only 1 integral parts supply with” 0,” do not supply the decimal part
Only 2 decimal parts supply with” 0,” do not supply integral part amount
Also 3 integral parts supply also the decimal part with” 0”
Furthermore, it returns, in integral part amount of value and pause of the decimal part”. ” Is added.
PRINT BIN$ (123.25) -> “1111011.01” and indication
PRINT BIN$ (123.25 and 1) -> “000000000001111011.01” and indication
PRINT BIN$ (123.25 and 2) -> “1111011.01000000000000” and indication
PRINT BIN$ (123.25 and 3) -> “000000000001111011.01000000000000” and indication
PRINT BIN$ (-123.25) -> “-1111011.01” and indication

BINHEX$ character string type function
The character string of binary type is converted to the character string of hexadecimal several types
Prescribed form
BINHEX$ (<>[,<>])
Example of use
<>… Character string system
<>… Character string system
Return value
Return value is the character string of hexadecimal several types. <> Case it is appointed, in every 2 columns, the character string which adds the delimiter is returned.
Operational details
<> So regarding the character string which is given the binary data, it digitalizes, converts to the character string of hexadecimal several types of 2 columns in every letters and returns. It digitalizes, from the first in every letters the character by the fact that it encodes it outputs the character string conversion of hexadecimal several types, at 2 column unit concerning 1 letters.
<> When the character string is appointed, the first 1 letters, it makes the delimiter, in every 2 columns, it returns including the delimiter. <> In case in the null line and case it is abbreviated, it handles without the delimiter as.
PRINT BINHEX$ (“ABC”) -> “414243” and indication
PRINT BINHEX$ (“ABC”, "") -> “414243” and indication
PRINT BINHEX$ (“ABC”,”; “) -> “41; 42; 43” and indication
PRINT BINHEX$ (“ABC”,”,/; \ “) -> “41,42,43” and indication
PRINT BINHEX$ ("", "") -> “-1111011.01” and indication

BITW$ character string type function
It converts the bit width of the data in the character string
Prescribed form
BITW$ (<><>,<> [,<>])
Example of use
PRINT BINHEX$ (BITW$ (HEXBIN$ (“12”), 16 and 16))
<>… With fixed point type either 4, 8 or 16?
<>… With fixed point type either 4, 8 or 16?
<>… Fixed point type.
<>… The input character string which it converts.
In each case the decimal fraction is truncated.
Return value
<> From the first letter quarrying out <> in order, <> to it returns the character string which it converts. You use for the conversion and the like of color number of the dot data.
Operational details
When <> <> (1) is,
<> <> Quarrying out <> the empty, <> adding, it creates the character string, length amount in the character string repeats this.
PRINT BINHEX$ (BITW$ (HEXBIN$ (“1234”), 4 and 8),”, “)
01, 02, 03 and 04
PRINT BINHEX$ (BITW$ (HEXBIN$ (“1234”), 4 and 16, &HFFF0),”, “)
FF, F1, FF, F2, FF, F3, FF and F4
(2) <> > <> When is,
<> <> Quarrying out <> the empty, it creates <> the character string which it economizes in complement, length amount in the character string repeats this.
PRINT BINHEX$ (BITW$ (HEXBIN$ (“12345678”), 8 and 4),”, “)
PRINT BINHEX$ (BITW$ (HEXBIN$ (“12345678”), 16 and 4),”, “)
When in the conversion <> character string is not full, supposing, that the last data is 0, it makes the data, (there is a possibility at only 16 bit width happening).

CHR$ character string type function
The letter which corresponds to the character cord/code which it appoints is returned
Prescribed form
CHR$ (<>)
Example of use
A$= CHR$ (65)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 255 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> The letter which corresponds is returned 1 letters.
Operational details
Cord/code 0~ 31 is returned the character of the control cord/code (there is no font).
CHR$ (&H00) null letter (difference from null line)
CHR$ (&H05) eliminating to the right hand edge of the same line from cursor position
CHR$ (&H09) tub. From the picture left edge moving cursor to digit position of 8 column unit
CHR$ (&H0A) line feed (LF). Cursor 1 lines or less movement (line spacing)
CHR$ (&H0B) foam/home position. LOCATE position (0 and 0) to moving cursor
CHR$ (&H0C) clear screen. Eliminating the text within WIDTH, position (0 and 0) to moving cursor
CHR$ (&H0D) carriage return (CR). Moving cursor to the left edge
CHR$ (&H13) below the position where cursor line is included SCROLL DOWN. The position where cursor line is included does not change
CHR$ (&H1C) cursor movement (the right)
CHR$ (&H1D) cursor movement (the left)
CHR$ (&H1E) cursor movement (on)
CHR$ (&H1D) cursor movement (under)

CINT fixed point type functional floating point type function
Rounding the decimal part, to integer it returns the value which is converted
Prescribed form
CINT (<>)
Example of use
A= CINT (12.5)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type or floating point type.
Return value
<> So the value which rounds the decimal part of the numerical value which is given is returned. Type of return value was given to argument, <> it becomes the same numerical type as type.
Operational details
<> So the value which rounds the decimal part of the numerical value which is given is returned.
PRINT CINT (0.49) -> “0” and indication
PRINT CINT (0.5) -> “1” and indication
PRINT CINT (-0.49) -> “0” and indication
PRINT CINT (-0.5) -> “-1” and indication

CLEAR direct executive order indirect executive order
Guaranty of initialization and user area and file territory of variable and stack
Prescribed form
CLEAR [<>[, [<>] [,<>]]]
Example of use
CLEAR 100, 256 and 256
CLEAR, 1024
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type (everything it truncates the decimal part).
<> <>Numerical system of… fixed point types. As for range of effective numerical value, value of 1~ 2048 (256 byte unit. It truncates the decimal part entirely).
Operational details
Contents of all variables are initialized. As for letter variable in the null line of length 0, as for numerical variable it is initialized in 0. The arrangement variable which is declared returns to all not yet declaration states. When the file which is opened exists, it is closed entirely. Stack of FOR order GOSUB order is initialized.
Guaranty of user area
<> When it is appointed, size of the user area which can be read and written in POKE order and PEEK functional USERDATA order is set. When appointment is abbreviated, the user area is not guaranteed.
Guaranty of file territory
<> When <> and it is appointed, it is guaranteed at the size where the buffer for file input/output is appointed. <> It corresponds to file number <> 2 in file number 1. Both file territory, minimum of 1 blocks (256 bytes) is guaranteed. Size of the territory where it appoints here, it reaches size of the file which can be handled in OPEN order and the like. When appointment is abbreviated, 256 blocks (65536 bytes) the territory is guaranteed.
<> And <> value of 1360 blocks or more is appointed, at the same time when it is unused, PLAYINIT order and TARG order uses as sound source cash. Sound source cash is cancelled when the order which uses the file territory of OPEN order and the like was executed. When CLEAR, 1360 and 1360 is appointed, CD access dying it can do the timbre data change of maximum of 3 types.
As for the user area and the file territory, in order to use the identical memory space, active size changes on the other hand with the size which is guaranteed on the one hand. In addition, as for these territories, because the BASIC program housing territory it is shared, when the big territory is guaranteed, size of the program which can be drawn up decreases.

CONT direct executive order
Reopening the program which you discontinue
Prescribed form
Operational details
The program which is discontinued STOP order or [Ctrl] + [by the input of C] key and the like, immediately after being discontinued, is reopened from order. However after the program is discontinued, when a some modification was done in the program, it cannot reopen.

COS floating point type function
<> The cosine for (the cosine) it returns
Prescribed form
COS (<>)
Example of use
A#= COS (0)
<>… Numerical system of floating point one. When value of numerical system is fixed point type, after being converted by floating point type, it is given.
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type.
Operational details
<> The radian (2 ## = 360) with it appoints the unit. It appointed <> according to, ratio of the horizontal shaft direction for hypotenuse (-1~ 1) is returned.
PRINT COS (0) -> “-1” and indication
PRINT COS (ATN (1) * 4) -> “1” and indication

It is the passive sentence not to be DATA indirect executive order & order
It defines definition as the data
Prescribed form
DATA [<>] [, [...]<>]
Example of use
DATA 1, 2, 3 and 4
DATA “ABC”, 10, “XYZ”, 20
<>… Numerical value (includes exponential inscription) or only constant in the character string appointment, when those which you cannot recognize possibility, as numerical value are appointed, it handles as all character strings. Furthermore, the comma of the delimiter (,) with the blank which is placed between constant is ignored.
Operational details
The data which is read by READ order and the order which has READ option is defined. As for each each <> it is possible to abbreviate. When it is abbreviated, if numerical value if 0, the character string it is handled as the null line. <> It does foil justice making use of the comma. When liking to include this sign in the data character string, character string the whole the double quotation (“) with it is necessary to bind. In addition, colon of delimiter of sentence (: When) and liking to include the letter of blank in the data character string even, it is necessary to bind character string the whole data in the same way with the double quotation. It is not possible to include the double quotation itself in the data character string. Standard of appraisal of data elements (priority), it is as follows.
1. The future
2. Matching the double quotation
3. Comma, and colon of delimiter
DATA order, facing from the first line of the program to end line, reads out in order, (also the part” of the fake” of IF minute includes). Interpretation of the data which it reads out differs by the order which it reads out.

DATE$ character string type function
Day and time information is acquired from the built-in clock
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
The character string of the fixing which displays day and time information is returned.
Operational details
In the Sega Saturn from the clock which the internal organs is done information of date and time is obtained in the character string. The character string of return value is locked with the following format.
Western calendar + month + day + day of the week + time (24 hours) + amount + second
1997 February 27th Thursday 7:52 PM in case of 1 seconds, it becomes as follows.
“199,702 /27 THU 19:52: 01”

DELETE direct executive order
Program listing of the range of designated line is deleted
Prescribed form
DELETE {<>|<>}, {<>|<>}
Example of use
DELETE 100 and 200
<> <>Numeric constant of… fixed point types (exponential inscription only is not included) validity. Appointment of the numerical value which includes decimal is invalid. As for range of effective numerical value value of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> So the list to <> the line which is appointed from with the line which is appointed is deleted. The line which exists must be appointed, be sure. In addition <> <> , the kind of appointment which becomes smaller is not possible.

DIM direct executive order indirect executive order
Arrangement variable is declared
Prescribed form
DIM<> (<>[,<>…]) [<>(<>[<>…])…]
Example of use
DIM A (10, 5 and 30)
DIM A (X, Y and Z), B (X, Y), C (X, Z)
DIM A$ (10)
<>… Name of variable is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable. When arrangement variable of floating point type is declared, sharp (the #) the sign is attached to end. Case character string variable is declared, dollar (the $) you acquire to end.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely). It can appoint the number of dimensions of the subscript, substantially to 16 dimensions.
Operational details
Declaring the arrangement variable of the size which is appointed, in the after program it makes enabled. As for most constant of the subscript of the arrangement variable which reaches the point where you can use in this declaration 0, as for maximum when declaring until it appointed <> , that it becomes.
DIM A (10) -> A (0) ~ A (10) to enabled
Number of elements of the arrangement variable which it can declare at that point in time reaches to possible size. Guaranty possible size the investigation loyal retainer and the user manage FRE () with function. Furthermore, when arrangement variable is used, beforehand declaration in DIM order is necessary.

EDIT direct executive order
It re-compiles program listing
Prescribed form
(1) EDIT [{<>|<>}]
(2) EDIT.
Example of use
EDIT 100
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> So from the line which is appointed, it compiles the program. <> When it is abbreviated, it re-compiles from the forefront of program listing. Period (. When) it is appointed, lastly
It re-compiles from the line which is done. When contents are rewritten with compilation, [Enter] operation of the register by the key becomes necessary. By compilation, when all parts other than line number are deleted, [Enter] that line is deleted at the point in time when the [yu] [u] [ri] [yo] [ku] makes the key.
Next [Page Up] the key and [Page Down] in the key program line of the top and bottom is indicated vis-a-vis this line. Key operation usually is the same as the function of picture compilation of the time.

END direct executive order indirect executive order
End of program
Prescribed form
Example of use
Operational details
It ends the execution of the program. When the file which is opened exists, it is closed entirely. Also stack such as FOR~ NEXT order and GOSUB order is initialized, entirely. In addition it ends normally even with when the error handling which is defined in ON ERROR GOTO sentence is done.

ERL fixed point type function
Line number of the error which occurs immediately before is returned
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
Error number is returned with fixed point type.
Operational details
The time of error, number of the error which occurs is kept. Without being related with the presence of the declaration which is in accordance with ON ERROR GOTO order, always functioning it does. In case of the error which occurs with direct mode it has 0. Is initialized (the program which is discontinued, is the same as the condition for becoming not be able to reopen with CONT in 0 with the execution of RESUME order or the modification etc of the program).

ERR fixed point type function
Number of the error which occurs immediately before is returned
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
Error number is returned at numerical value of fixed point type.
Operational details
The time of error, number of the error which occurs is kept. Without being related with the presence of the declaration which is in accordance with ON ERROR GOTO order, always functioning it does. It has value in regard to the error which occurs with direct mode. Is initialized (the program which is discontinued, is the same as the condition for becoming not be able to reopen with CONT in 0 with the execution of RESUME order or the modification etc of the program).

ERROR direct executive order indirect executive order
Occurrence of error is simulated
Prescribed form
ERROR [<>]
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Integer of 0~ 255.
Operational details
<> When it appoints, error of the error number which corresponds is indicated. When undefined error number is appointed, it handles as Unprintable error. In this case indication of contents of error line is not done. Error occurring while program execution, immediately after stopping, it is not direct execution <> when ERROR order is executed, place of the program where error occurs is indicated again. However error place inside the DATA sentence is not indicated. The picture reads this function and when error occurs in state of the [zu] leprosy picture,
[F12] It makes the picture for key compilation
ERROR+ [Enter] key error place is indicated again
And so on with it is prepared in order to use.

EXP floating point type function
Exponential function (power where the numerical formula which designates e as the bottom should) it calculates
Prescribed form
EXP (<>)
Example of use
E#= EXP (1)
<>… Numerical system of floating point type. The range of effective numerical value is quick value up to 709 (the result with floating point type to the expression possible range).
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type. When it reaches the value where the result exceeds the range of floating point type, you cannot obtain the correct result.
Operational details
The result <> power which with e should of doing is returned at value of floating point type. The value of e is approximately 2.7182818284588.

FIND direct executive order
From while programming the character string is searched
Prescribed form
FIND [<>] [{, |-} [<>]] [,]<> [, P]
Example of use
<> <>Numeric constant of… fixed point types (exponential inscription only is not included) validity. As for appointment of the numerical value which includes decimal the other side. As for range of effective numerical value value of 1~ 99999.
<>… The character string which it searches is appointed.
P… It stops in every page 1.
Operational details
Searching the <> character string from in the midst of programming, it indicates. Changing color, it indicates the letter which matches. Case” P” is appointed to option, it stops in every page 1. <> With capital letter of alphabet of the program text which is searched small letter always is classed.” P when” it does not appoint, while searching the next key operation becomes effective.
[Ctrl] + [S] key or [Pause] halt of key indication (cancellation the same operation)
[Ctrl] + [C] key or [Ctrl] + [Pause] discontinuance of key indication
[Ctrl] + [E] the key or [the ?] key indicatory speed is loosened
[Ctrl] + [X] key or [the ?] key indicatory speed is hastened

FIX fixed point type functional floating point type function
Truncating the decimal part, to integer it returns the value which is converted
Prescribed form
FIX (<>)
Example of use
A= FIX (12.5)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type or floating point type.
Operational details
<> So the value which removes the decimal part of the numerical value which is given is returned. Type of return value was given to number, <> it becomes the same numerical type as type.
PRINT FIX (0.99) -> “0” and indication
PRINT FIX (1.01) -> “1” and indication
PRINT FIX (-0.99) -> “0” and indication
PRINT FIX (-1.01) -> “-1” and indication

FKEY direct executive order indirect executive order
The function key on the keyboard is defined
Prescribed form
(1) FKEY<>,<>
Example of use
FKEY 1, “RUN " + CHR$ (13) + CHR$ (10)
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type. Value of 1~ 12
<>… To 31 letters. When CHR$ (0) it includes in the character string, letter after that is ignored.
Operational details
Prescribed form
With 2 contents of the function key which presently is defined are indicated. The control cord/code in the character string is indicated with” X”. Please refer to the item “of input at the time of picture compilation” “of the basic specification of aforementioned GAME BASIC for SEGASATURN” concerning the character string which in the function key is defined usually.

FOR TO STEP direct executive order indirect executive order
Start of loop processing
Prescribed form
for=to<><><> [step<>]
Example of use
FOR I= 0 TO 10
FOR I= A TO A* 2 STEP 0.5
<>… Name of numerical variable of fixed point type is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
<><>… Numerical system of fixed point type.
STEP<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. <> In case of appointment,” STEP” is needed immediately before.
Operational details
<> When it is correct,
With the execution of NEXT order, when exceeds the value <> of the loop counter, it ends. Or, when the loop counter upper limit of fixed point type (131071.999) exceeding, it ends.
<> In case of negative number
By the execution of NEXT order, when is less than the value <> of the loop counter, it ends. Or, when the loop counter the lower limit value of fixed point type (-131071.999) being less than, it ends. When <> STEP is appointed, it is possible being optional, to appoint the increase and decrease width of the loop counter which is renewed by NEXT order. When <> STEP is abbreviated, +1 it becomes. Furthermore, <> when 0 is appointed, if contents of the loop counter are not changed deliberately, because loop processing finishes repeatedly unlimited, note is necessary.
When <> STEP includes decimal, because accumulated error is caused from precision of fixed decimal score, note is necessary. When secure loop count is necessary, it counts with integer, or when inscription of decimal is included, it should make hexadecimal number, (example” &H0.1). When it executes with direct mode, it becomes condition for loop processing to be completed with entrance exertion.

FRAC fixed point type function
Quarrying out the decimal part of numerical value, it returns
Prescribed form
FRAC (<>)
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type
Return value
<> So the decimal part of the value which is appointed is returned. Type of return value is fixed point type.
Operational details
<> So the decimal part of the value which is appointed is returned.

FRE fixed point type function
Size of remaining capacity and the user area and the file territory of the variable territory is returned
Prescribed form
FRE (<>)
Example of use
A= FRE (0)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 3 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So size of the territory where it is appointed is returned. Type of return value is fixed point type.
Operational details
<> Following kind of information is returned with the value which is appointed.
Empty capacity of 0 variable territories and the program territory is returned at the block unit
Size of 1 user areas is returned at the block unit, (it is not empty capacity)
Size of 2 file territories 1 is returned at the block unit, (it is not empty capacity)
Size of 3 file territories 2 is returned at the block unit, (it is not empty capacity)
Case fraction occurs, closing fraction, it returns.

GOSUB indirect executive order
Subroutine processing is called
Prescribed form
GOSUB {<>|<>}
Example of use
GOSUB 1000
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> Or <> with it calls as subroutine processing from the line which is appointed. When RETURN order is executed with subroutine processing, it calls and returns to the order immediately after the original GOSUB order.

GOTO indirect executive order
It moves to the forefront of the line which is appointed
Prescribed form
GOTO {<>|<>}
Example of use
GOTO 1000
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> Or <> with in the forefront of the line which is appointed, being unconditional, control it moves. Therefore, as for the sentence which is placed after this order there are no times when it is executed. However, when the DATA sentence and the like is arranged, it is effective.

HEX$ character string type function
Numerical value is converted to the character string of hexadecimal several types
Prescribed form
HEX$ (<>[,<>])
Example of use
A$= HEX$ (10)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 3 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
Return value is the character string of hexadecimal several types.
Operational details
<> So converting the numerical value which is given to the character string of hexadecimal several types, it returns. <> Case of negative number, 0 (-) attaching the mark to the forefront in the character string, it returns. <> Case it is not negative number, acquiring blank to the forefront in the character string, it returns.
<> Whether or not it supplies the insufficient beam after the converting with” 0”, it is processed as follows by the value which is appointment.
0 insufficient beams are not supplied with” 0”, (the default)
Only 1 integral parts supply with” 0,” do not supply the decimal part
Only 2 decimal parts supply with” 0,” do not supply integral part amount
Also 3 integral parts supply also the decimal part with” 0”
Furthermore, it returns, in integral part amount of value and pause of the decimal part”. ” Is added.
PRINT HEX$ (123.25) -> “7B.4” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 1) -> “0007B.4” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 2) -> “7B.4000” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 3) -> “0007B.4000” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (-123.25) -> “-7B.4” and indication

HEXBIN$ character string type function
The character string of hexadecimal several types is converted to the character string of binary type
Prescribed form
HEXBIN$ (<>)
Example of use
A$= HEXBIN$ (“FF80C3”)
<>… Character string system
Return value
Return value is the character string of binary type.
Operational details
<> So it digitalizes the character string of hexadecimal several types which are given, converts to the character string of binary type in every bytes and returns. It digitalizes, from the first in every 2 columns. When fraction occurs in end, regarding the high order digit 0, it processes. In addition, case the comma delimiter is included in the character string which is appointed, preferring the delimiter, it digitalizes. When the number of beams of each item exceeds 3 columns, following to the aforementioned stipulation, it digitalizes. It does the character string conversion of binary type, by the fact that it converts to the letter which designates the value as the character cord/code in every bytes.
PRINT HEX$ (123.25) -> “ABC” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 1) -> “ABC” and indication
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 2) -> “AD " + CHR$(3) enters into variable A$
PRINT HEX$ (123.25 and 3) -> “A " + CHR$(4) + “C” enters into variable A$

IF GOTO direct executive order indirect executive order
Deciding the conditional expression which is appointed, processing it diverges due to the authenticity
Prescribed form
IFGOTO<> {<>|<>} [ELSE [<>||<><>…}]]
Example of use
IF A$= “Y” GOTO 100
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The decimal part is truncated entirely.
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
<>… Describing the feasibility sentence.
Operational details
<> So when the operational result of the formula which is given reaches value other than 0, <> or <> with control it moves to the line which is appointed. <> When the operational result becomes 0, control it moves to the following line. <> The result which is appraised same as usual operation is calculated (entirely to truncate the decimal part).
Operation of .ELSE theory
<> The operational result the fake (0) describes the sentence which is executed to the case where it becomes. <> Or <> when it is appointed, control it moves to the forefront of the line. Furthermore, as for the ELSE paragraph including” ELSE”, it is possible to abbreviate.

IF THEN ELSE ENDIF direct executive order indirect executive order
Deciding the conditional expression which is appointed, processing it diverges due to the authenticity
Prescribed form
IFTHEN<> [{<>||<><>…}] [ELSE [<>||<><>…}]]
Example of use
IF A> 10 THEN 100 ELSE A= A+ 1: GOTO 100
IF FLAG THEN -> flag decision
PRINT “True”
PRINT “False”
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The decimal part of the result of formula is truncated everything.
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
<>… Describing the feasibility sentence
Operational details
Prescribed form (1)
<> So when the operational result of the formula which is given becomes 0” the fake”, it makes the case where it reaches value other than 0” true”, when it is true, when after THEN, it is the fake, it executes after ELSE. <> It is appraised same as usual operation and the result is calculated (entirely to truncate the decimal part). The part after THEN the “THEN paragraph”, the part after ELSE is called the “ELSE paragraph”.
Operation of .THEN paragraph
<> The sentence which is executed to the case where the operational result (value other than 0) becomes true is described. <> Or <> when it is appointed, control it moves to the forefront of the line. When when the sentence is described, it arrives to the ELSE paragraph which corresponds to that IF sentence, control moves to the following line.
Operation of .ELSE paragraph
<> The operational result the fake (0) describes the sentence which is executed to the case where it becomes. <> Or <> when it is appointed, control it moves to the forefront of the line. Furthermore, as for the ELSE paragraph including” ELSE”, it is possible to abbreviate.
Nesting of .IF sentence
It is possible furthermore to use the IF sentence for the THEN paragraph or the ELSE paragraph.
When there is no IF which corresponds to ELSE, ELSE/ENDIF without IF error occurs.

Prescribed form (2)
After THEN carriage return or back - group later”: When” is, the prescribed form (2) it is interpreted. Method of processing the prescribed form (1) is the same, but the IF sentence without ending with the future, extending over plural lines to ENDIF which corresponds to the IF sentence is executed as one IF sentence.
. When there is no IF which corresponds to ELSE or ENDIF, ELSE/ENDIF without IF error occurs.
. When there is no ELSE and ENDIF which correspond to IF, IF/ELSE without ENDIF error occurs.
The next three examples do all identical processing, (several people as for 1 and 2 nested level).
. Processing 1
IF <> THEN IF <> THEN <> ELSE <>
. Processing 2

Immediately after THEN with the separator, between bitterly <> please pay attention to without being. For explaining you have written with 1 lines, but normally like processing 3 the indent (joggling) doing with depth of the nesting, it writes with spaces between words in plural lines.

. Processing 3
IF <> THEN -> 1
IF <> THEN -> 2
<> -> 2
ELSE -> 2
<> -> 2
ENDIF -> 2
ENDIF -> 1
In other words it is regarded that with the prescribed form (1) ENDIF of the amount which corresponds to 1 lines IF in the future is added.
Prescribed form with (2) ELSE IF
Like the following type” ELSE IF” is used with IF sentence structure of prescribed form 2 when <> , when it is <> true it is executed and it advances to ENDIF which corresponds, <> when it is <> true it is executed and it advances to ENDIF which corresponds, <> when it is <> true it is executed and it advances to ENDIF which corresponds and., when each system is <> the fake it is executed. In this case, <> number is limitless.

. Processing 4
IF <> THEN -> 1
<> -> 1
ELSE IF <> THEN -> 1
<> -> 1
ELSE IF <> THEN -> 1
<> -> 1
ELSE -> 1
<> -> 1
ENDIF -> 1
The both prescribed form is existing together possible. When the prescribed form (1) there is of the IF sentence ENDIF lastly, like the future the prescribed form (1) the nesting of IF ends to immediately before ENDIF (as for 1, 2 and 3 of the numbers nesting level).
When it enters in the nesting of the IF sentence in the GOTO sentence, it is regarded that the line which enters is” true” after that, the ELSE paragraph which continues” truly” is processed following to the promise of the simple IF sentence that” the fake” is.

INKEY$ character string type function
Information of input of the key 1 letters is grasped from the keyboard
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
The letter which is input from the keyboard is returned.
Operational details
Removing the information of 1 letters from the key-in buffer, it returns. When the letter which is input does not exist, the null line is returned. Because the character code of the special key which is returned by key-in is a part which differs from the character code which is used for indication note is necessary.
The character code which is returned from the special key
Type of keyThe cord/code of the letter which is input
[Back space] key8 &H08
[Tab] Key 9 &H09
[Home] Key 11 &H0B
[Insert] Key 18 &H12
[Esc] Key 27 &H1B
[->] Key 28 &H1C
[<-] Key 29 &H1D
[?] key 30 &H1E
[?] key 31 &H1F
[End] Key 24 &H18
[Delete] Key 127 &H7F
[F1] Key 224 &HE0
[F2] Key 225 &HE1
[F3] Key 226 &HE2
[F4] Key 227 &HE3
[F5] Key 228 &HE4
[F6] Key 229 &HE5
[F7] Key 230 &HE6
[F8] Key 231 &HE7
[F9] Key 232 &HE8
[F10] Key 233 &HE9 (from BASTERM failure)
[F11] Key 234 &HEA
[F12] Key 235 &HEB
[Page Up] key 250 &HFA
[Page Down] key251 &HFB
The function key ([F1] the ~ [F12]) the input cord/code is shared portion of the graphic character.

INPUT direct executive order indirect executive order
Input in the optional character string is received from the keyboard
Prescribed form
INPUT [<>,] {<>|<>} [,<>]
Example of use
<>… The message character string which is indicated in when inputting (constant) with it appoints.
<>… Name of numerical variable of character string type is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
<>… Name of variable is described. Name of variable of fixed point type, or floating point type is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
<>… Character string system
Operational details
<> Indicating the character string which is appointed, it becomes the waiting of input from the keyboard. It precedes the execution of this order, the key-in buffer is initialized.
<> The character string which is indicated by does not receive the influence which is due to the compilation operation from the keyboard altogether. Input is done <> from immediately after this indication. <> When it is abbreviated, in the prompt indicatory part”? ” It indicates. When it is appointed, even if being null, it indicates only the character string which is appointed.
The character string which is input <> with is housed in the variable which is appointed. It is used in input possible letter kind, the colon (: ) The comma (,), the double quotation (“) and so on also letter was input houses entirely <> . However, blank of end in the input character string is ignored. <> When the character string is appointed, after in line input editing line, indicating that character string, it accepts input. The character string which is indicated with this receives the influence which is due to the compilation operation from the keyboard. <> When it is abbreviated, without indicating especially at all in it becomes the waiting of input.
Concerning the number of input possible letters, because due to the restriction of line compilation, it reaches the value which pulled the number of letters of the prompt part from the number of side 1 lines of the picture characters on screen. Furthermore, position of the entrance exertion which is indicated in INPUT order receives influence such as LOCATE order. Also color of the message which is indicated, receives the influence of COLOR order. <> Unless when it appoints, the effective number is input, until numerical value is input, input is repeated at the position where INPUT order was executed.

INPUT$ character string type function
Until there is input of designated letter several parts, it waits
Prescribed form
INPUT$ (<>)
Example of use
A$= INPUT$(1)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 1~ 255 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
The character string which is input from the keyboard is returned.
Operational details
<> Until so there is input of letter several parts which are appointed, accepting the input from the keyboard, it returns the character string which is input. Reception possible letter kind [Ctrl] + [all letters which have, the character cord/code other than C] key is the object. Please refer to INKEY$ function concerning the character code which is returned from the special key.

INSTR fixed point type function
Searching the character string, it returns the information of position
Prescribed form
INSTR (<>,<> [,<>])
Example of use
A= INSTR (A$, “ABC”)
PRINT INSTR (A$ and B$, X)
<> <>… character string systems
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 1 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> The digit position which is found is returned. As for type of return value, fixed point type.
Operational details
<> You inspect, whether or not so the character string which with is appointed <> in the character string which is appointed, is included, when it is included, that you return the digit position which agrees.
<> It is possible to appoint it starts search from no letter eye <> , with. When it is abbreviated, search start position it is processed as 1.
<> When it is the null line, <> whatever being appointed, 0 is returned. In addition <> when <> thing one is larger even, 0 is returned. <> When <> value is larger than length, 0 is returned.
When with when it is other than describing <> , being the null line, value of first search position is returned by all means.
PRINT INSTR (“123” and “2”) -> “2” and indication
PRINT INSTR (“123123” and “2”) -> “2” and indication
PRINT INSTR (“123123”, “2” and 4) -> “5” and indication
PRINT INSTR (“123” and “1234”) -> “0” and indication
PRINT INSTR (“123”, “2” and 5) -> “0” and indication
PRINT INSTR (“123”, "") -> “1” and indication

INT fixed point type functional floating point type function
The maximum integer value which does not exceed the value which is appointed is returned
Prescribed form
INT (<>)
Example of use
A= INT (12.5)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type or floating point type.
Return value
<> So the maximum integer value which does not exceed the numerical value which is given is returned. Type of return value was given to argument, <> it becomes the same numerical type as type.
Operational details
<> So the maximum integer value which does not exceed the numerical value which is given is returned.
PRINT INT (0.99) -> “0” and indication
PRINT INT (0.01) -> “0” and indication
PRINT INT (-0.01) -> “-1” and indication
PRINT INT (-0.99) -> “-1” and indication

INTERVAL indirect executive order
The interval timer is set
Prescribed form
(1) INTERVAL [interval timer number] ON [,<>]
(2) INTERVAL [(<>)]<>
(3) INTERVAL [(<>)]OFF
Example of use
. The prescribed form (1) starts the measurement of the interval timer which is appointed.
. The prescribed form (2) modifies the interruption occurrence interval of the interval timer which is appointed.
. The prescribed form (3) prohibits the occurrence of the interruption of the interval timer which is appointed.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 23 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
ON… Measurement of the interval timer is started
OFF… Occurrence of the interruption of the interval timer is prohibited
Operational details
.<> Unit
Measurement of the interval timer is done 1/60 second. It is possible also for the interruption occurrence interval which it appoints to set 6/60 second.
. The interruption with the interval timer
When measurement value was set <> arrives, the interruption occurs. Simultaneously, measurement value is initialized in 0, continues and measurement is done. In addition, case the plural interruptions are set, it interrupts and it is in the midst of processing, there is a possibility the interruption of other things occurring.
. The ranking where the interruption occurs
From those of the youngest interval timer number it is processed by order, succeeds and the countdown timer interruption and the interruption which is in accordance with MML control command (ON MMLSTAT GOSUB order) is processed. Only one interruption occurs in 1 interruption occurrence chances. Furthermore, before executing this order, it is necessary for the processing which is called to the occasion where the interruption occurs by ON INTERVAL GOSUB order, to be set.

LEFT$ character string type function
From the left side in the character string, removing the character string of the length which is appointed, it returns
Prescribed form
LEFT$ (<>,<>)
Example of use
A$= LEFT$ (“ABC”, 2)
<>… Character string system
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So from the left side in the character string which is given, <> with the character string of letter several parts which are appointed is returned.
Operational details
<> When it is the null line, it returns and also value becomes the null line.
<> <> In case of the value which is larger than length, <> it is returned. <> When it becomes 0, it returns and value becomes the null line. <> Influence is not received.

LEN fixed point type function
Length in the character string which is appointed is returned
Prescribed form
LEN (<>)
Example of use
A= LEN (“123”)
<>… Character string system
Return value
<> So length in the character string which is given (the number of letters) it returns. Type of return value is fixed point type.
Operational details
<> In case in the null character string 0 is returned.

LET direct executive order indirect executive order
Value of the formula which is given to the right-hand side, is substituted to the variable of the left-hand side
Prescribed form
(1) [LET]<> =<>
(2) [LET]<> =<>
Example of use
LET A= 10
A$= CHR$(A)
<>… Name of variable is described. Name of variable of fixed point type or floating point type is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
<>… Name of variable is described. Name of variable of character string type is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
<>… Both value of fixed point type and floating point type is effective.
<>… Character string system
Operational details
The prescribed form (1), substitutes the operational result of numerical type of the right-hand side, to the numerical variable of the left-hand side.
The prescribed form (2), substitutes the operational result in the character string of the right-hand side, to the letter variable of the left-hand side.
As for this order abbreviating” LET”, it is possible to inscribe as follows.
Prescribed form (1): <>= <>
Prescribed form (2): <>= <>
When the range which the variable which substitutes value to fixed point type variable can be expressed (- &H1FFFFF.FFFC~ +&H1FFFF.FFFC) it exceeds, Overflow happens. When numerical value will be substituted to letter variable, the character string tries to be substituted to numerical variable Type mismatch happens.

LIST direct executive order
Program listing is indicated
Prescribed form
(1) LIST [<>] [{, |-} [<>]]
(2) LIST.
Example of use
LIST 100 - 200
<> <>As for range of… effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999
Operational details
<> So the list to <> the line which is appointed from with the line which is started is indicated. In addition <> <> , in case of the kind of appointment which becomes smaller, nothing is indicated.
<> Case it is abbreviated, it indicates from the forefront of program listing.
<> Case it is abbreviated, it indicates to end of program listing. Simply occasion, comma of delimiter (. When) or the hyphen (-) it is abbreviated, <> with only the line which is appointed is indicated. With the prescribed form (2), only last reference line is indicated.
While indicating the program listing, the next key operation becomes effective.
[Ctrl] + [S] key or [Pause] keyHalt of indication (cancellation the same operation)
[Ctrl] + [C] key or [Ctrl] + [Pause] keyDiscontinuance of indication
[Ctrl] + [E] key or [?] keyIndicatory speed is loosened
[Ctrl] + [X] key or [?] keyIndicatory speed is hastened

LOCATE direct executive order indirect executive order
Cursor position of the text screen is appointed
Prescribed form
LOCATE [&ltX character position >] [, &ltY character position >]
Example of use
LOCATE 10 and 0
&ltX character position >, &ltY character position >… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 127 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Operational details
To clockwise &ltX character position >, in lower direction &ltY character position > cursor (the position where the text is indicated in the PRINT sentence and the like) it moves in position standard (0 and 0) as, the position with respect to the left inside the territory of the text screen which is defined in WIDTH order. Furthermore, it becomes prerequisite” with respect to the left” the text screen not to turn, not to have reversed. Appointment of the position where it is in accordance with LOCATE order, has an influence on the position of the message which in PRINT order, PRINT USING order and INPUT order, is indicated.

LOCK direct executive order indirect executive order
Interruption processing is prohibited
Prescribed form
Example of use
20 LOCATE 10 and 10: PRINT “HELLO”
Operational details
During to UNLOCK order, the call of the interruption subroutine which is registered in ON INTERVAL order and ON TIMER order is prohibited temporarily from LOCK order.
In case of ON TIMER when it counts raises in the LOCK, the request is reserved to UNLOCK.
In case of ON INTERVAL when it counts raises in the LOCK, the request is retained to UNLOCK, but count itself continues unrelated. When the identical timer in the LOCK plural time counted raised it can convey only last 1 requests with UNLOCK.
With such as timer interruption to prevent the fact that when it is rewritten midway the identical resource is handled from the plural BASIC programs you use even in order. For example until in LOCK order of example of use it finishes to indicate letter to the cursor position which is appointed in LOCATE order, it interrupts and have tried not to be able to rewrite cursor position with processing.
When the long term interruption is prohibited, because calling of the subroutine of ON INTERVAL order and ON TIMER order ON MMLSTAT order is discontinued, LOCK order order during UNLOCK order should decrease as much as possible probably.

LOG floating point type function
Natural logarithm of the numerical value which it appoints is returned
Prescribed form
LOG (<>)
Example of use
A#= LOG (2)
<>. Numerical system of floating point type. When the result of numerical type is fixed point type, after being converted by floating point type, it is given. As for the range of effective numerical value the value which is larger than 0.
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type.
Operational details
<> So natural logarithm of the numerical value which is appointed is returned.

MID$ direct executive order indirect executive order
From the digit position which appoints the contents of letter variable, it replaces to the optional character string
Prescribed form
MID$ (<>,<> [,<>]) =<>
Example of use
MID$ (A$, 2) = “123”
MID$ (D$, I and 2) = B$
<>… Name of the letter variable where the character string which becomes the object is housed is described.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Effective numerical value value of 1 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Character string system.
Operational details
<> So the character string which is housed in the variable which is appointed, <> with <> with the part which is appointed, <> is replaced with the whole.
<> Counting from the first, it appoints it replaces from position of no letter eye.
<> When the value which is larger than the number of letters is appointed, <> replacement is done in the form which is added to end.
<> The number of letters of the part which is replaced is appointed. <> When <> <> the value which is larger than the number of after letters is appointed, <> it can replace the after all part.
<> When it is abbreviated or <> , in case of 0, <> it is processed as the same as length.

MID$ character string type function
It removes from the digit position which appoints the portion in the character string, at optional length
Prescribed form
MID$ (<>,<> [,<>])
Example of use
A$= MID$ (“123” and 2)
PRINT MID$ (D$, I and 2)
<>… Character string system
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 1 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So counting, from the forefront in the character string which is given <> removing amount from letter <> of the turn eye, it returns.
Operational details
<> When is larger than <> also length, it returns and value becomes the null line. <> When it is abbreviated, or <> case is smaller than <> also the number of after letters, <> <> later returns and reaches value. <> Influence is not received.

NEW direct executive order
Program listing is eliminated from memory
Prescribed form
Example of use
Operational details
Program listing is eliminated from memory. Also the variable territory and the stacked territory etc are initialized simultaneously. When the file which is opened exists, it is closed entirely. However, what influence is not received in regard to the user area and the file territory.

NEXT direct executive order indirect executive order
End of loop processing
Prescribed form
NEXT [<>[,<>…]]
Example of use
<>… The variable identifier which is appointed to the loop counter in FOR~ TO~ STEP order is described.
Operational details
Appointed <> end of the loop processing which is made the loop counter is declared. <> When appointment is abbreviated, the FOR~ TO~ STEP order which was most recently executed it corresponds automatically. Furthermore, when the loop counter outside is appointed, error occurs.
When NEXT order is executed, contents of the loop counter which is appointed are renewed, the sentence which is appointed in FOR~ TO~ STEP <> order. In addition, end decision of loop processing is done the execution time of this NEXT order. When it executes with direct mode, it becomes condition for loop processing to be completed with entrance exertion.

ON ERROR GOTO indirect executive order
Error handling routine is appointed
Prescribed form
ON ERROR GOTO {{<>|<>} |0}
Example of use
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
In order when error occurs without generating the error of BASIC, to jump to the error handling routine which the user sets, it sets.
Cancellation of error handling does by the fact that” 0” is appointed in place of line number.
Because while executing error handling function has been stopped error handling routine, when error occurs inside error handling routine, it stops the program. Executing the RESUME sentence, by the fact that it escapes from error handling routine, again error handling
Becomes effective. Error handling routine without ending in the RESUME or END sentence, when it is executed to end of the program, No RESUME error occurs.

ON GOSUB indirect executive order
The subroutine which responds to the following value is called
Prescribed form
ONGOSUB<> [{<>|<>}] [, [{<>|<>}]…]
Example of use
<>… All numerical systems where the result is settled in the range of fixed point type. The decimal fraction is ignored (entirely to truncate the decimal part). Value of range of 0~ 131071.
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> When integral part amount of value is designated as n, it is appointed by the n turn eye and the cartridge <> it is <> calls the subroutine ahead. Ahead calling when RETURN order is executed, it returns to the following order of ON GOSUB.
For example,
ON 1 GOSUB 100, 200 and 300
When with you describe, it moves to 100th line.
ON 3 GOSUB 100, 200 and 300
When with you describe, it moves to 300th line.
When the line number which becomes the object is abbreviated, it moves to the following order.
When n 0 is or when it is the value which is larger than a quantity which appoints line number, it moves to the following order similarly. <> When 0 value is appointed, Illegal function call occurs.

ON GOTO indirect executive order
It moves to the forefront of the line which responds to the value of formula
Prescribed form
ONGOTO<> [{<>|<>}] [, [{<>|<>}]…]
Example of use
<>… All numerical systems where the result is settled in the range of fixed point type. The decimal fraction is ignored (entirely to truncate the decimal part). Value of range of 0~ 131071.
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> When integral part amount of value is designated as n, it is appointed by the n turn eye and the cartridge <> it is moves <> the execution position of the range program.
For example,
ON 3 GOTO 100, 200 and 300
When with you describe, it moves to 300th line.
When the line number which becomes the object is abbreviated, it moves to the following order.
When n 0 is or when it is the value which is larger than a quantity which appoints line number, it moves to the following order similarly. <> When 0 value is appointed, Illegal function call occurs.

ON INTERVAL indirect executive order
The processing which is called with the interval timer interruption is set
Prescribed form
ON INTERVAL [(<>)]GOSUB {<>|<>}
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The effective range - value of ~ 23 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
The interruption processing which is called to the occasion where the interruption occurs due to the interval timer, is appointed. As for appointment ahead interrupting, <> every it is possible to appoint. <> When it is abbreviated, it handles that 0 was appointed. When this order is executed, the interval timer is as follows set.
. Occurrence of the interruption becomes prohibition state
. Interval of the interruption is initialized in 60.
. Measurement value of the interval timer is initialized in 0.
Even during interruption processing because the interruption from the other interval timer is accepted, when the same resource is handled, using LOCK order, it prohibits the interruption temporarily, or on your own responsibility it is necessary to do the processing which is.
During interruption processing when time catches too much, because GOSUB stack overflows, note is necessary. In addition, with heavy processing such as scroll, picture elimination, PAINT and INPUT it interrupts into time and without processing because, the program stops at one time note is necessary. Concerning the operation of the interval timer interruption, please refer to INTERVAL order.

ON RESTORE indirect executive order
Position of the data which is read by the value of the numerical system which it appoints, is appointed
Prescribed form
ON <> RESTORE [<>|<>] [, [<>|<>]…]
Example of use
ON A RESTORE 100, 200 and 300
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
It was appointed <> with value, it is described the data which it should you read next after RESTORE and the cartridge <> it is <> appoints to the after data. <> Correspondence with the value <> and <> each one or later corresponds, from those of beginning in order like 1, 2 and 3. <> When value 0 is, or <> that value was described <> <> , when it is larger than number, appointment of the data without doing, moves to the following order.
100 ON A RESTORE 200, 300 and 400: READ A: PRINT A
200 DATA 1
300 DATA 2
400 DATA 3
At the time of A= 1 the data of line 200 being read, “1” is indicated, at the time of A= 2 the data of line 300 being read, “2” is indicated. In addition, at the time of A= 3 the data of line 400 being read, “3” is indicated.
<> And <> , it is possible also to abbreviate. In that case, <> when value is abbreviated and <> the cartridge is <> the range corresponding, appointment of the data without doing, moves to the following order.

ON TIMER indirect executive order
The processing which is called with the countdown timer interruption is set
Prescribed form
ON TIMER [(<>)]
GOSUB {<>|<>}
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 7 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… As for effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
The interruption processing which is called to the occasion where the interruption occurs due to the countdown timer, is appointed. As for appointment ahead interrupting, <> every it is possible to appoint. <> When it is abbreviated, it handles that 0 was appointed. When this order is executed, the countdown timer is as follows set.
. Occurrence of the interruption becomes prohibition state
. Measurement value of the countdown timer is initialized in 0.
Concerning the interrupt action of the countdown timer, please refer to TIMER order.

PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE fixed point type function
State of the Sega Saturn itself control terminal is returned
Prescribed form
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type (it truncates the decimal part entirely). As for range of effective numerical value, -2~ value of 29.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type (it truncates the decimal part entirely). The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 5 (depends on the type of device which is connected).
Return value
The input device information which is connected to the control terminal is returned at numerical value of fixed point type. Being the following operation detailed, it explains the details of return value.
Operational details
<> With value, you can obtain the following information.
<> -1 the number of connected of control terminal 1 devices is returned. In case of not yet connection 0
-2 the number of connected of control terminal 2 devices is returned. In case of not yet connection 0
You inspect concerning the device which is connected to 0~ 14 control terminal 1.
You inspect concerning the device which is connected to 15~ 29 control terminal 2.
<> When -1 or -2 is, <> appointment becomes invalid.
<> When value of 0~ 29 is appointed, you can obtain information concerning the individual device which is connected to the respective control terminal.
<> When 0 is appointed, you can acquire following kind of device ID. As for 0, the acquisition of ID of connected device ( <> default). Return value reaches the following value.

%H00~ digital devices
%H10~ analog devices
%H20~ pointing devices
%H30~ keyboard devices
%HFF~ not yet connection
<> As for details of return value when 1 or more is appointed, <> when appointing 0, it becomes as follows with the device ID which is obtained.

. Device ID= &H00~ digital devices (the Sega Saturn control pad and the like)
<> Information of ON OFF state of 1 input buttons (On= 1/in addition = 0) 2 OFF -> information of the button which has become ON state (OFF -> On= 1/in addition = 0) as follows, it returns and corresponds to each button of the control pad in each every bit of value.
Bit 15The right of direction button
Bit 14The left of direction button
Bit 13Under direction button
Bit 12On direction button
Bit 11Start button
Bit 10A button
Bit 09C button
Bit 08B button
Bit 07R button
Bit 06X button
Bit 0Y button
Bit 04Z button
Bit 03L button
Bit 02~ 00Always 0
For example if the A button is pushed, 1024 (or, &H0400 and &B 10,000,000,000) it becomes.

. Device ID= &H10~ analog devices
Information of ON OFF state of 1 input buttons (On= 1/OFF = 0)
2 OFF -> information of the button which becomes ON state (OFF -> On= 1/in addition = 0)
Value of 3 analog 1 (8 bits), Sega. X and the like of multiple controllers
Value of 4 analog 2 (8 bits), Sega. Y and the like of multiple controller
Value of 5 analog 2 (8 bits), Sega. R and the like of multiple controller
Value of 6 analog 2 (8 bits), Sega. L and the like of multiple controller
<> Appraisal of return value in case of 1 and 2 corresponds to the digital devices.

. Device ID= &H20~ pointing devices
Information of ON OFF state of 1 input buttons (On= 1/OFF = 0)
2 OFF -> information of the button which becomes ON state (OFF -> On= 1/in addition = 0)
3 analog X values (16 bits)
4 analog Y values (16 bits)
<> Appraisal of return value in case of 1 and 2 corresponds to the digital devices.

. Device ID= &H30~ keyboard devices
1 Information of ON OFF state of input button (On= 1/OFF = 0)
2OFF -> information of the button which becomes ON state (OFF -> On= 1/in addition = 0)
Bit 7Always 0
Bit 2Always 1
Bit 1Always 1
4 input key cords/codes
<> Appraisal of return value in case of 1 and 2 corresponds to the digital devices.
Whenever the data of the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE is renewed at the unit of VSYNC, the button is pushed, trigger information keeps being done OR. When it reads out, because it is eliminated to 0, when the plural bits are inspected, after copying once to variable, you use. When we would like to cancel former trigger information, one time sky you read.
BASIC table of allowance of the basic specification of GAME BASIC for SAGASATURN

PEEK fixed point type function
It reads out the data of 1 bytes from the user area
Prescribed form
PEEK (<>,<>)
Example of use
A= PEEK (0, &H1000)
A= PEEK (B and AD)
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type.
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> And <> with reading out the data of 1 bytes from the address to which the user area which is appointed corresponds, it returns. Therefore,
Return value
It reaches value of 0~ 255.

Operational details
Beforehand, it is necessary for the user area to be guaranteed by CLEAR order, <> with <> also the range where it can appoint, depends on the size of the user area which is guaranteed.

PEEK$ character string type function
It reads out the data as a character string from the user area
Prescribed form
PEEK$ (<><>,<>)
Example of use
A$= PEEK$ (0, &H1000 and &H1000)
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type.
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> And <> with reading out the data of amount from the address to which the user area which <> is appointed corresponds, it returns as the character string.
Operational details
Beforehand, it is necessary for the user area to be guaranteed by CLEAR order, <> with <> also the range where it can appoint, depends on the size of the user area which is guaranteed. <> Does not have to exceed the user area.

POKE direct executive order indirect executive order
The data is written to the address which the user area appoints
Prescribed form
POKE<><>, {<>|<>} [, {<>|<>}…]
Example of use
POKE 0, 0, 128, 64, 32 and 16
POKE 0, &H3800 and BN$
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. As for range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. As for range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 255.
<>… It handles the character string of the result, as the character string of binary type.
Operational details
<> And <> with in the address to which the user area which is appointed corresponds, <> and <> with the data which is appointed is written.
When <> is, it corresponds to the data of 1 bytes with one parameter. <> When is, the character cord/code corresponds to the data of 1 bytes in every letters. Beforehand, it is necessary for the user area to be guaranteed by CLEAR order, <> with <> the range where it can appoint depends on the size of the user area which is guaranteed.

POS fixed point type function
Cursor position of the text screen is returned
Prescribed form
POS (<>)
Example of use
X= POS (0)
<>… Numerical value of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 1 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
Type of return value is fixed point type.
Operational details
<> In case of 0 cursor horizontal position (X character position) it returns. <> In one case vertical position of cursor (Y character position) it returns.

PRINT direct executive order indirect executive order
Letter is indicated in the text screen
Prescribed form
PRINT [<>[[{, |;}]<> [[{|;}<>]…] ] [|;]
Example of use
PRINT 1000* A#;
PRINT “Lv.=”; LV, “H.P=”; HP
<>… You can obtain the result in the numerical or character string. It can appoint all systems.
Operational details
<> So the result of numerical type or the character string type which is given, is indicated in the text screen. When it appoints <> plural, in pause the comma (,) or the semicolon (; ) Is necessary. When the delimiter was excluded, it is handled as those which is the semicolon. When it can use the comma, immediately after <> of the comma, is indicated in the place where it becomes the next tab position considered as present cursor position.
Case it can use the semicolon, continuing from present cursor position, it is indicated. When the comma or the semicolon is appointed to end of parameter, doing the movement of the above-mentioned cursor, it ends order. When nothing is appointed, it moves cursor position to the left edge of the following line.
Furthermore, <> when when the result becomes the character string, the following letter which does not have the font in that character string is included, function of that control cord/code becomes effective. The control cord/code corresponds to CHR$ function.
In addition, as for PRINT order abbreviating,”? ” With be able to inscribe,
? “ABC”
With also method of using which is said is possible.

PRINT USING direct executive order indirect executive order
Letter is indicated with the prescribed form which is appointed to the text screen
Prescribed form
PRINT USING<>,<> [{, |;}<>[{|;}<>]…] [|;]
Example of use
PRINT USING “#####.###”; 1000* A#;
PRINT USING “Name: @”; N$
PRINT USING “LV_.=### H_.P=###”; LV; HP
<>… The character string constant which includes indicatory prescribed form letter
<>… You can obtain the result in the numerical or character string, it can appoint all systems.
Operational details
<> So the prescribed form character string > with following the result of numerical type or the character string type which is given, to the prescribed form which is appointed, it indicates in the text screen. The prescribed form character string > as for the indicatory prescribed form letter which can be used, following ones are effective.

#Appointment of digit position of the numerical value which it indicates and the number of beams. In case of the ### if, the number to 3 columns is indicated with right-justification. Furthermore, when the number of beams of numerical value is more than the number of beams which are appointed, % attaching the sign to the forefront of the number which is indicated, it indicates. When the number of beams below the decimal point overflows, rounding, it is made round.
.Appointment of digit position of decimal point. It is necessary by all means to use for the # and simultaneous.
+# and. When you attach to the forefront of the sign which appoints the beam of numerical value, the mark is indicated in the left side of numerical value.
&&Length in the character string which it indicates and appointment of position. It can appoint the length in the character string which indicates between two & by the fact that it can be less crowded with blank. Length & becomes same as the length of the prescribed form letter which includes the sign. Furthermore, <> with when it is shorter than the character string which is given, letter several minutes which are appointed from the forefront in that character string are indicated.
@Position appointment in the character string which it indicates. The character string of optional length, is indicated from position of the @.
!The forefront in the character string which it indicates 1 letters are indicated.
_(Underline) there being an indicatory prescribed form letter immediately after, it indicates usually as letter

When it appoints <> plural, in pause the comma (,) or the semicolon (; ) Is necessary. It is different from PRINT order, it does not have an influence on cursor position making use of whichever. <> When number the prescribed form character string > it is more, the prescribed form character string > it is repeatedly applied from the first.
When it can use for the end of parameter the comma or the semicolon, without moving cursor position, it ends. When nothing is appointed, it moves cursor position to the left edge of the following line.
Furthermore, <> when when the result becomes the character string, the following letter which does not have the font in that character string is included, function of that control cord/code becomes effective. Function of the control cord/code is the same as PRINT order.

RANDOMIZE direct executive order indirect executive order
Setting of random number series
Prescribed form
Example of use
FOR I= 1 TO 10: PRINT RND (100): NEXT
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type
Operational details
<> By the fact that it makes kind of random number, random number system is appointed newly. With this BASIC series of random number at the time of BASIC starting, is made new in RUN order and LOAD order. Although RANDOMIZE <> by the fact that constant is given, it is possible always to remove the line of the same random number from RND function.

READ indirect executive order
It reads out the data which is defined in DATA sentence
Prescribed form
READ<> [,<>…]
Example of use
READ A, A$ and B$
<>… Name of the variable which makes the data read is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
Operational details
It reads to the variable which appoints the data which is defined in DATA order. Whenever the data one is read, reading position of the data moves to the following data. When the item which you grasp is blank, when it reads to numerical variable, 0 enters. When letter variable is read, the character string of length 0 enters.
Example 10 READ A and B which grasp the item of blank
20 PRINT A and B
Because 30 DATA, -> there is no item of the data, it is handled as 0

When the data which it should read does not exist, Out of DATA error occurs. When type of the data differs, Type mismatch occurs.

REM or 'direct executive order indirect executive order
Start of the notes sentence is shown
Prescribed form
{REM|'} [<>]
Example of use
REM Game Main
'=== Enemy Move subroutine ===
Operational details
<> Being optional, it is setting possible. Also abbreviation is possible. REM or the apostrophe (') order and the like being placed later, it is not executed. Furthermore, REM and the apostrophe ('), as the delimiter of the sentence
It does not have.

RENUM direct executive order
Re-allocation of line number
Prescribed form
RENUM [<>] [,<>] [,<>]
Example of use
RENUM 1000 and 320
RENUM, 100
<> <> <>… line numbers. As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
Operational details
<> So it does again to shake in the number which with appoints the line number <> from the line which is appointed. It is possible to appoint with the difference of number of each <> line which is done again to shake anew. <> When the line which does not exist is appointed, line after the number becomes the object.
<> When it is abbreviated, it handles as 100. <> When it is abbreviated, all lines become the object. <> When it is abbreviated, it processes as space between lines every other 10.
After doing again to shake line number, it seems that number overlaps <> it cannot appoint. In addition, it seems that exceeds the upper limit of line number <> or <> it cannot appoint.

RESTORE indirect executive order
Appointment of data read-out position
Prescribed form
RESTORE [<>|<>]
Example of use
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name order is sly in name equipped code of the label.
Operational details
<> Or <> with it appoints the DATA sentence which exists after the line which is appointed, as the data which is read in next READ order and READ option equipped order. The data which in the next time reads out in READ order becomes from the DATA sentence whose after of the position where it is appointed with RESTORE is closest. When the DATA sentence does not exist in the line which is appointed, it is effective. <> Or <> when appointment is abbreviated, the first DATA sentence of the program becomes the object.

RESUME direct executive order indirect executive order
End of error handling
Prescribed form
RESUME [{NEXT||<><>}]
Example of use
NEXT… It executes from the following order of the order which causes error.
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
End of error handling is declared. Without parameter when RESUME order is executed, the order to which error occurs is reexecuted. When NEXT is appointed in parameter, execution is reopened from the following order of the order which causes error. When line number or the label is appointed in parameter, execution of order is reopened from the line which is appointed. Simultaneously, value of ERR functional ERL function is initialized in 0.
In case of direct execution it is not possible <> to give to parameter. <> When it gives, Illegal direct occurs.

RETURN direct executive order indirect executive order
Return from subroutine processing
Prescribed form
Example of use
Operational details
Ending subroutine processing, it calls and returns to the order immediately after the original GOSUB order.

RIGHT$ character string type function
From the right side in the character string, removing the character string of the length which is appointed, it returns
Prescribed form
RIGHT$ (<>,<>)
Example of use
A$= RIGHT$ (“ABC”, 2)
<>… Character string system.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value integer of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So the character string of letter several parts which <> are appointed, from at the right side in the character string which is given is returned.
Operational details
<> When it is the null line, it returns and also value becomes the null line. <> <> In case of the value which is larger than length, <> it is returned. <> When it becomes 0, it becomes the null line. <> Influence is not received.

RND fixed point type function
Random number value is returned
Prescribed form
RND (<>)
Example of use
R= RND (100)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Upper limit of the random number which occurs. The range of effective numerical value integer of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So optional integer value under the value which is appointed is returned. For example, when 10 is appointed, if 0~ 9, appointment is 1, 0 is always returned.
Operational details
<> Random number under is returned. The random number of this BASIC at the time of system start is set to new random number system in RUN order LOAD order. When we would like to use the same random number series always, it is necessary to execute RANDOMIZE order at the forefront of the BASIC program.

RUN direct executive order indirect executive order
The program is executed
Prescribed form
RUN [<>|<>]
Example of use
RUN 100
<>… As for range of effective numerical value integer of 1~ 99999.
<>… Name of the label which exists in the program is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of the label.
Operational details
<> Or <> with from the line which is appointed, execution of the program is started. <> Or <> with when appointment is abbreviated, execution is started from the forefront of the program.
RUN order accompanies the following operation.
. All numerical variables are designated as 0.
. All letter variables are designated as the null line.
. All DIM declarations are cancelled.
. When error occurs, line number (ERL function) it makes 0.
. When error occurs, error number (ERR function) it makes 0.
Reading position of .READ minute is turned to the forefront of the program.
The nesting of .FOR~ NEXT and the IF sentence is put in initial condition.
. Being unconditional, you close all files which are in the midst of opening.
.INTERVAL order and TIMER order are made invalid.
Trigger input of .PAD order is designated as 0.
.USERDATA invalidity
. Timbre data cash is made invalid.

SGN fixed point type function
The mark of the numerical value which is appointed is returned
Prescribed form
SGN (<>)
Example of use
A= SGN (A)
S= SGN (X1- X2)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type
Return value
<> So the mark of the numerical value which is given is returned.
Operational details
<> In case of negative number -1, in case of characteristic 1, in case of 0 0 is returned. Type of return value was given to argument, <> it becomes the same numerical type as type.

SHIFT fixed point type function
State of the shift key of the Sega Saturn keyboard is inspected
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
Shift key information of the keyboard is returned.
Operational details
[Shift] of the Sega Saturn keyboard the key, [Alt] the key, [Ctrl] the key, [CapsLock] the key, [katakana hiragana] the key, it is the function which returns state. For example combining the state of the input cord/code and the shift key which were reset with INKEY$ and the like the key
Although it expands, you use. Relationship of state of value and the keyboard which are reset is as follows.

KeyboardBitBinaryHexadecimalBit state of 1
[Shift] Key (the left side) 0 &B00000001 &H1 While being pushed,
[Shift] Key (right side) 1 &B00000010 &H2
[Ctrl] Key (the left side) 2 &B00000100 &H4
[Ctrl] Key (right side) 3 &B00001000 &H8
[Alt] Key (the left side) 4 &B00010000 &H10
[Alt] Key (right side) 5 &B00100000 &H20
[CapsLock] Key 6 &B01000000 &H40 At the time of CapsLock
[Katakana hiragana] key 7 &B10000000 &H80 At the time of katakana
When the key of three or more is pushed simultaneously from restriction of input of the Sega Saturn keyboard, there are times when the bit is not reflected accurately. Shift state of the hypothetical keyboard of BASTERM it can grasp, but there is no distinction of the left and right key. In addition indicating Sawayama's polygon, the scroll doing the picture when burden has fallen on CPU there are times when the bit is not reflected accurately.

Hypothetical keyboard Bit Binary Hexadecimal Bit state of 1
[Shift] Key 0 and 1 &B00000011 &H3 While being pushed,
[Ctrl] Key 2 and 3 &B00001100 &HC

SIN floating point type function
Sine (sign) it returns
Prescribed form
SIN (<>)
Example of use
A#= SIN (0)
<>… Numerical system of floating point type. After numerical system of fixed point type being converted by floating point type, it is given, (as for the unit the radian).
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type.
Operational details
<> The radian (2 ## ~ 360) with it appoints the unit. It appointed <> according to, sine (ratio of the vertical axis direction for hypotenuse (-1~ 1))It returns.
PRINT SIN (0) -> “0” and indication
PRINT SIN (ATN (1) * 2) -> “1” and indication

SKCLOSE direct executive order indirect executive order
Software. The keyboard is closed
Prescribed form
Example of use
Operational details
In picture software. When the keyboard is indicated, when it executed, it closes that.
Software. Keyboard
Because it is not the order which kills, again it can open with pad operation.

SPACE$ character string type function
The character string of blank of the length which is appointed is returned
Prescribed form
SPACE$ (<>)
Example of use
A$= SPACE$ (10)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
<> So the character string of blank of letter several parts which are given is returned.
Operational details
<> When it makes 0, the null character string is returned.

SQR floating point type function
Square root is returned
Prescribed form
SQR (<>)
Example of use
A#= SQR (X)
<>… Numerical system of floating point type. When the result of numerical type is fixed point type, after being converted by floating point type, it is given. As for range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more.
Return value
<> So value of square root of the numerical value which is appointed is returned.
Operational details
<> When non- value is appointed, it becomes Illegal function call.

STOP indirect executive order
Execution of the program is discontinued
Prescribed form
Example of use
1000 STOP
Operational details
Execution of the program is discontinued. As for the program which is discontinued, the reexecution which is in accordance with CONT order is possible.

STR$ character string type function
Numerical value is converted to the character string of decimal type
Prescribed form
STR$ (<>[,<>])
Example of use
A$= STR$ (10)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 3 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
Return value is the character string of decimal type.
Operational details
<> So converting the numerical value which is given to the character string of decimal type, it returns. <> Case of negative value, 0 (-) acquiring to the forefront in the character string, it returns. <> Case it is not negative value, acquiring blank to the forefront in the character string, it returns.
<> With the appointment whether or not it supplies the insufficient beam after the converting, with” 0” of, it is processed as follows by the value.
0 insufficient beams are not supplied”” with, (the default)
Only 1 integral parts supply with” 0,” do not supply the decimal part
Only 2 decimal parts supply with” 0,” do not supply integral part amount
Also 3 integral parts supply also the decimal part with” 0”
Furthermore, it returns, in integral part amount of value and pause of the decimal part”. ” Is added.
PRINT STR$ (123.25) -> “123.25” and indication
PRINT STR$ (123.25 and 1) -> “000123.25” and indication
PRINT STR$ (123.25 and 2) -> “123.2500” and indication
PRINT STR$ (123.25 and 3) -> “000123.2500” and indication
PRINT STR$ (-123.25) -> “-123.25” and indication

STRING$ character string type function
The character string which repeated the letter which it appoints is returned
Prescribed form
STRING$ (<>, {<>|<>})
Example of use
A$= STRING$ (8, “A”)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Integer of 0 or more (it truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Only 8 bit integral parts becomes the object of connection, regardless of the mark of numerical value (it truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Character string system. Only first 1 letters become the object of repetition.
Return value
<> Or <> with the character string which the letter which <> is appointed, amount was repeated is returned.
Operational details
<> When it is appointed, it handles as the letter which designates the value as the character cord/code. <> Only the subordinate 8 bit part of integral part is used regardless of the mark. <> Only the first 1 letters are used.
PRINT STRING$ (5, &H41) -> “AAAAA” and indication
PRINT STRING$ (4, “1”) -> “1111” and indication
Furthermore, STRW$ () please use function to repetition in the character string of 2 letters or more.

STRW$ character string type function
The character string which repeated the data which it appoints is returned
Prescribed form
STRW$ (<>, {<>|<>})
Example of use
A$= STRW$ (8, “ABC”)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value integer of 0 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Result numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value integer of 0~ 65535 (truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… The character string system which appoints the character string which it repeats.
Return value
<> Or <> with the data which is given, <> the character string which repeated amount is returned.
Operational details
<> When it is appointed, it handles as the word character string. Only the subordinate 16 bits of integral part are used. These 16 bits the superior 8 bits the first character code, the subordinate 8 bits repeatedly are used as the next character code.
PRINT STRW$ (5, &H4142) -> “ABABABABAB” and indication
PRINT STRW$ (5, &H4142) -> “ABABABABAB” and indication
PALETTE and STRW$ (32, rgb (3, 0 and 0) + &H8000) -> the RGB data for 32 bit map pictures is made

SWAP direct executive order indirect executive order
Contents of variable are replaced
Prescribed form
Example of use
SWAP A and B
SWAP A$ and D$(i)
<> <>Name of the variable which replaces… contents is described. Designated possible name corresponds to the name attaching code of variable.
Operational details
<> With <> with contents of the variable which is appointed are replaced. There is no restriction in type and the like of the variable which it can appoint, but it is necessary for two variables to agree. When the variable which is appointed is arrangement variable, only 1 elements of the subscript which is appointed become the object.

TAN floating point type function
Sine (the tangent) it returns
Prescribed form
TAN (<>)
Example of use
A#= TAN (D#)
<>… <> The radian (2p= 360) with it appoints the unit. Numerical system of floating point type. After numerical system of fixed point type being converted by floating point type, it is given.
Return value
Type of return value is floating point type.
Operational details
It appointed <> according to, sine (ratio of the vertical axis direction for horizontal shaft direction) is returned.

TIMER indirect executive order
The countdown timer is set
Prescribed form
(1) TIMER [(<>)]ON [,<>]
(2) TIMER [(<>)]<>
(3) TIMER [(<>)]OFF
Example of use
TIMER (0) ON, 60
TIMER (2) 0
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0~ 7 (the B [te] [te] which is done truncates the decimal part).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 0 or more (the B [te] [te] which is done truncates the decimal part).
ON… Measurement of the countdown timer is started.
OFF… The interruption of the countdown timer is prohibited.
Operational details
The prescribed form (1) starts the measurement of the countdown timer which is appointed.
The prescribed form (2) sets the time to interruption occurrence of the countdown timer which is appointed.
The prescribed form (3) prohibits the occurrence of the interruption of the countdown timer which is appointed.
<> So state of the countdown timer which is appointed is set.
<> When it is abbreviated, it handles that 0 was appointed.
With the prescribed form (1), occurrence of the interruption with the countdown timer which is appointed is permitted. Simultaneously, it measures the countdown timer start (reopening). <> When it is appointed, until to presently measurement value of the countdown timer is initialized, the interruption occurs anew, time is set. <> When it is abbreviated, just permit the occurrence of the interruption, to presently measurement value and time to interruption occurrence of the time before without receiving influence, it is kept.
With the prescribed form (2), just time to the interruption occurrence with the countdown timer which is appointed is set. To presently measurable quantity and permission of the interruption. Prohibition state without influencing it is kept. <> When the condition the interruption occurring due to modification is satisfied, the interruption occurs at the point in time when measurement of the next time was done. However, it interrupts and limits to the state of permission.
With the prescribed form (3), the interruption with the countdown timer which is appointed is prohibited. To presently time to measurement value and interruption occurrence, without receiving influence, it is kept. While the interruption is prohibited, when the condition the interruption occurring is satisfied, the interruption without occurring measurement is not done ends (as for reservation of the interruption).
.<> Unit
Calculation of the countdown timer is done 1/60 second. Time to the interruption occurrence which it appoints, it is possible to set 1/60 second.
. The ranking where the interruption occurs
The countdown timer, it is processed from the timer which it counts ends in interval timer everything. When count of the plural timers ends with the same timing, round robin system (the following timer of the last timer which was processed processes most is preferred) with.
. As for timing of interruption break of 1 orders of BASIC
With the interruption of 1 times one interruption is processed. Because execution time of most BASIC orders is quick from 1/60 second, the plural interruptions are processed within 1/60 second to actuality. Furthermore, before executing this order, it is necessary for the processing which is called to the occasion where the interruption occurs by ON TIMER GOSUB order, to be set.

UNLOCK direct executive order indirect executive order
Interruption processing is permitted
Prescribed form
Example of use
20 ACTIVE 1: LINE (XS and YS) - (XE and YE)
Operational details
The call of the interruption subroutine which is registered in ON INTERVAL order and on TIMER order which are prohibited in LOCK order is permitted again. As for details please refer to LOCK order.

USERDATA indirect executive order
Using the user area, it accesses DATA sentential form
Prescribed form
(1) USERDATA [<>]<>,<>
Example of use
(1) USERDATA 0 and 0, “ABC”, 1
(2) USERDATA 0 and 0
<>… The first block of the user area which houses the data is appointed.”0~ 4095 the decimal fraction is ignored” with integer. Actually address becomes the first address + block X 256 + offsets of the user area.
<>… The offset from the first block is appointed.” 0~ &H1FFFF” with the decimal fraction is ignored.
<>… The data which actually is housed in the user area is appointed. It can appoint in a way which such as numerical value to the DATA sentence and character string is described. In case of integer”” with surrounding, it can appoint, but in this case, it registers with the type which does not attach the quotation mark with the next item switch as” 0”.
<>… Treatment of the quotation mark is selected.” 1” including with the quotation mark, it registers (default).” 0” with the quotation mark is excluded.
Operational details
The prescribed form (1), converting contents in the” character string” to the same structure as the DATA sentence, houses in the user area. Continuing, when it registers, abbreviating block and the offset, you describe. After this order was executed, if block and the offset are not appointed anew, it becomes the data first address which is read in order of next READ order and the READ option attachment (it confronts the user area, it works” RESTORE”).
The prescribed form (2) (the character string and the switch are not appointed), making DATA sentence structure in this order, with” BSAVE” to save, from after the data which is loaded with” BLOAD” it is the method of accessing. As for block and the offset please make the same as the value which is appointed to” BLOAD” (as for the parameter which is given to” BSAVE” USERDATA function the reference [te]).
The prescribed form (3), cancelling” USERDATA” mode, changes to the lead/read scan from the usual DATA sentence. As for USERDATA order, before changing to” USERDATA” mode, lead/read. We to keep the pointer, because it returns that, executing RESTORE order at the time” of USERDATA” mode, it is ignored.
When the following order which rewrites the user area is executed,” usually it returns READ” mode from” USERDATA” mode to mandatorily.
Vis-a-vis the user area, changing the offset, when” BLOAD” doing.
When executing the CLEAR sentence.
When executing POKE order.
When with” USERDATA” mode error occurs during lead/read operating, it cannot specify the place.
110 USERDATA 0 and 0, “@44L8CDEFGAB>C”
310 DATA…

100 ->” 100” it blocks guarantees the user area.
110 ->” USERDATA” is registered from the first block of the user area.
The 120~ -> continuing, when it registers, it does not appoint block and the offset.
150 -> It registered with the file name, ” USERDATA” it saves in” BRAM”.” ” BSAVE parameter” appoints the return value from USERDATA” function just.
160 -> It registered to the user area from” DATA” reading the MML character string, song. The data is registered.
170 -> The lead/read which is appointed in the RESTORE order which cancels” USERDATA” mode, has set with 100th line. You reset to the pointer, when (there is no” RESTORE”, the forefront of the DATA sentence).
110 BLOAD “BRAM: MML_TST”, 10 and 0
120 USERDATA 10 and 0
310 DATA…

100 ->” 100” it blocks guarantees the user area.
110 -> Saved” USERDATA” is loaded to the user area (has blocked with example of use (1)” 10”, but this numerical value is free).
120 -> Leading/reading the place where it reads with” BLOAD”. In order for the pointer to pour, it appoints (vis-a-vis the user area the same as RESTORE order).
130 -> Using the MML character string data which it loads song. The data is registered.
140 -> When after this the data is read from the usual” DATA” sentence,” USERDATA” mode is cancelled.

USERDATA () indirect executive order fixed point type function
Status of USERDATA order is returned
Prescribed form
A=USERDATA (item number)
Example of use
Item number… “0~ 3”
Return value
Item number = 0… first blocks
It conforms to the parameter of item number = 1… first offset BSAVE orders
Item number = 2… terminal blocks
Item number = 3… terminal offsets
Operational details
Most it reads out a state where the data is registered lastly in USERDATA order. As for the first block and the first offset, when most first appointing block/the offset, value returns that way. Terminal block and the terminal offset are renewed to the degree which is registered in USERDATA order. Giving” 0~ 3” to item number, as for the value which it can read out, it can use that way in parameter of BSAVE order.

VAL fixed point type function
The character string is converted to numerical value
Prescribed form
VAL (<>)
Example of use
A= VAL (A$)
D= VAL (“&H " + D$)
<>… The character string system to which the result expresses numerical value.
Return value
<> So converting the character string which is given to numerical value, it returns.
Operational details
The conversion possible character string, is each character string of binary type, decimal type and hexadecimal several types. In case in the character string of binary type, the digitalization sign “of &B” is necessary in the forefront in the character string. In case in the character string of hexadecimal several types, the digitalization sign “of &H” is necessary in the forefront in the character string. Furthermore, when it is the character string where the mark is included, please put the digitalization sign immediately after the mark. When blank is included in the character string, blank is ignored, but when there are other letters which cannot be digitalized, digitalization ends there. When it can give the character string or the character string of length which 0 it cannot digitalize, 0 is returned.

VERSION fixed point type function
The version of BASIC is returned
Prescribed form
Example of use
Return value
Version number, is returned at numerical value of fixed point type.
Operational details
Version number, is returned at numerical value of fixed point type.

WADD$ character string type function
The addition and subtraction the character string which does is returned vis-a-vis the character string
Prescribed form
WADD$ (example of use A$= WADD$ (A$ and &H8080, 2)
PRINT WADD$ (“ABCD”, - &H0101)
<>… Character string system. It handles the character string of the result, as the word character string of binary type.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Only 16 bits of integral part are used.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 1 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
It appointed <> in every 2 letters in order of the upper byte and the low byte as a numerical value up to of 0~ 65535, <> again resetting the subordinate 16 bits of result of adding the value which is appointed to the character string, it returns.
Operational details
<> When odd number is, last 1 letters are truncated.
PRINT WADD$ (“AAAAAAAA” and &H0102) -> “BCBCBCBC” and indication
PRINT WADD$ (“12345678”, - &H0101) -> “01234567” and indication

WANDOR$ character string type function
The operation with AND and OR vis-a-vis the character string the character string which does is returned
Prescribed form
WANDOR$ (<>, &ltAND value >, &ltOR value > [,<>])
Example of use
A$= WANDOR$ (A$, &HF0FF and &H7800)
PRINT WANDOR$ (“ABCD”, &H5F5F and &H2020)
<>… Character string system. It handles the character string of the result, as the word character string of binary type.
&ltAND value >, &ltOR value >… Numerical system of fixed point type. Only 16 bits of integral part become the object of operation, regardless of the mark of numerical value (it truncates the decimal part entirely).
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. The range of effective numerical value value of 1 or more (truncates the decimal part entirely).
Return value
It appointed <> in every 2 letters in order of the upper byte and the low byte at the value which is appointed first as a numerical value up to of 0~ 65535, AND to calculate, resetting the subordinate 16 bits of integral part of result of doing to the character string again it returns OR operation at the value which is appointed next.
Operational details
<> When odd number is, last 1 letters are truncated.
PRINT WANDOR$ (“AAAAAAAA”, &HFFFF and &H0002) -> “ACACACAC” and indication
PRINT WANDOR$ (“AbCdEfGh”, &H5F5F and &H2020) -> “abcdefgh” and indication
PRINT WANDOR$ (“AbCdEfGh”, &H5F5F and &H0002) -> “ABCDEFGH” and indication

WIDTH direct executive order indirect executive order
The indicatory range of the text screen is set
Prescribed form
WIDTH [<>], [<>] [,<>] [,<>]
Example of use
WIDTH 0, 20, 63 and 24
<><><><>… Numerical system of fixed point type. As for range of effective numerical value, integer of 0~ 127.
Operational details
The range which indicates the letter and the like of the text screen is appointed. When indicatory width reaches big value, there is a possibility the part which it cannot indicate to the TV monitor occurring. In this case, it is possible to make indicate in SCROLL command and the like. Modifying the indicatory range with WIDTH, when compiling connection of the line which is used does not change. The range of WIDTH in SCREEN order, is set to 1, 1, 38 and 26. In addition, [Ctrl] + [P] it is modified to the range which is set with the system construction picture with the key when compiling.

WMUL$ character string type function
Multiplication the character string which does is returned vis-a-vis the character string
Prescribed form
WMUL$ (<>,<> [,<>])
Example of use
A$= WMUL$ (A$, 2 and 2)
<>… Character string system. It handles the character string of the result, as the word character string of binary type.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type.
<>… Only value of fixed point type truncates the effective (decimal part entirely). As for range of effective numerical value, value of 1 or more.
Return value
It appointed <> in every 2 letters in order of the upper byte and the low byte again resetting the subordinate 16 bits of value which applied on each each <> value as a numerical value up to of 0~ 65535, to the character string, it returns.
Operational details
<> When odd number is, last 1 letters are truncated.
PRINT WMUL$ (“12” and 2) -> “bd” and indication
PRINT WMUL$ (“bd”, 1/2) -> “12” and indication

WXOR$ character string type function
The operation with XOR vis-a-vis the character string the character string which does is returned
Prescribed form
XORS (<>, &ltXOR value > [,<>])
Example of use
A$= WXOR$ (A$ and &H0800)
<>… Character string system. It handles the character string of the result, as the word character string of binary type.
&ltXOR value >… Numerical system of fixed point type. Only 16 bits of integral part become the object of operation regardless of the mark of numerical value.
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. As for range of effective numerical value, value of 1 or more. (As for decimal part all cutoffs)
Return value
It appointed <> resetting the subordinate 16 bits which do to the character string again it returns XOR operation every 2 letters in order of the upper byte and the low byte as a numerical value up to of 0~ 65535, with.
Operational details
<> When odd number is, last 1 letters are truncated.
PRINT WXOR$ (“AAAAAAAA” and &H0304) -> “BEBEBEBE” and indication
PRINT WXOR$ (“NANANANA” and &H0F00) -> “AAAAAAAA” and indication

XATN fixed point type function
Opposite sine (the arc tangent) it returns
Prescribed form
XATN (<>,<>)
Example of use
A= XATN (X, Y)
<><>… Numerical system of fixed point type
Return value
Type of return value with fixed point type is small numerical value under 1 from 0. The unit is the radian (1.000= 360).
Operational details
<> With <> the empty being full [bi] the opposite sine which grows hoarse (the arc tangent) value is returned. However, <>= 0,<> in case = 0 0 is returned.
PRINT XATN (1 and 0) -> “0” and indication
PRINT XATN (0 and 1) -> “.25” and indication
PRINT XATN (-1 and 0) -> “.5” and indication
PRINT XATN (0, -1) -> “.75” and indication

XCOS fixed point type function
Cosine (the cosine) it returns
Prescribed form
XCOS (<>)
Example of use
A= XCOS (0)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Integral part amount is ignored.
Return value
Type of return value with fixed point type is small numerical value under 1 from 0.
Operational details
<> The radian (1.000= 360) with it appoints the unit. It appointed <> according to, ratio of the horizontal shaft direction for hypotenuse (-1~ 1) is returned.

XDIST fixed point type function
Calculating the distance from starting point, it returns
Prescribed form
XDIST (, [,])
Example of use
PRINT XDIST (10, 10 and 10)
Numerical system of… fixed point types
Return value
2 dimensional origin of coordinates (0 and 0) from ( , ) or 3 dimensional origin of coordinates (0, 0 and 0) from ( , ) to distance is returned.
Operational details
. When it is given, SQR ( ^2+ ^ 2)
. When it is given, SQR ( ^2+ ^ 2+ ^ 2)
It calculates respectively and obtains distance. When the result exceeds &H1FFFF, OVER FLOW ERROR occurs.
PRINT XDIST (10000, 10000 and 10000)

XSIN fixed point type function
Sine (sign) it returns
Prescribed form
XSIN (<>)
Example of use
A= XSIN (0)
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Integral part amount is ignored.
Return value
Type of return value with fixed point type is small numerical value under 1 from 0.
Operational details
<> The radian (1.000= 360) with it appoints the unit. It appointed <> according to, ratio of the vertical axis direction for hypotenuse (-1~ 1) is returned.

XSQR floating point type function
Square root is returned
Prescribed form
XSQR (<>)
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of floating point type. As for range of effective numerical value, value of 0 or more.
Return value
<> So value of square root of the numerical value which is appointed is returned.
Operational details
<> When so negative value is appointed, it becomes Illegal fanction call.

XTAN fixed point type function
Sine (the tangent) it returns
Prescribed form
XTAN (<>)
Example of use
<>… Numerical system of fixed point type. Integral part amount is ignored.
Return value
Type of return value with fixed point type is small numerical value under 1 from 0.
Operational details
<> The radian (1.000= 360) with it appoints the unit. It appointed <> according to, ratio of the vertical axis direction for horizontal shaft direction is returned.