GameBasic for Sega Saturn instruction / functional list

This document represents most of the commands commonly used in Gamebasic and a brief description of what is does.

Translated text by Hurrycane Version 2

Text originally downloaded from a Japanese site. Translated with software and reworded and optimized by Hurrycane.

All corrections and additions are welcome, just inform of the new changes.

Format of commands:




24 ABS - where the absolute value is returned

** Note all references marked with ****** are extremely rough translations ***

*** Things left to do ****

* Fixed point type, floating point type function -------

- General instructions

24 ABS - where the absolute value is returned

29 CINT - Rounding the decimal part, to integer where the value which is done to convert is returned

38 FIX - Cutting down the decimal part, to integer where the value which is converted is returned

38 FKEY - where the function key in the keyboard is defined

39 FOTOSTEP- Start of pool processing

75 RND - where random number value is returned


77 SGN - it was specified the mark of the ‚¿ which is inhaled is returned


77 SHIFT - state of the shift key of the Sega Saturn keyboard is inspected

- File function

113 DSKF - where empty capacity of the device which is specified is returned

* Fixed point type function -------------

- Generality instruction

24 ACS - where the character code is returned

35 EPL - where line number of the error which is generated immediately before the is returned

35 ERR - where number of the error which is generated immediately before is returned

40 FRAC - where it returns the decimal part of the numerical value

40 FRE - Remaining capacity of variable area and where size of user area and file area is returned

50 INSTR - Retrieves the character string, and where it returns the information of position

53 LEN - returns the length in the character string


64 where state of the propellant-actuated device Sega Saturn itself control terminal is returned


67 PEEK - where the data of 1 byte is read out from user area

69 POS - where cursor position of the text picture is returned

89 VAL - where the character string is converted to numerical value

89 VERSIONBASIC - where version of the of BASIC is returned

93 XATN - returns the opposite tangent (the arc tangent)

93 XCOS - Returns the cosine (the cosine)

94 XDIST - Returns the Calculated distance from starting point

94 XSIN - Returns the sine (sign)

95 XTAN - Returns the tangent (the tangent)

-BG/ text / video type function

157 GETCHR - where the pattern name data is loaded from the character pattern picture

158 PALETTE - Acquisition pallet value

159 POINT - where color in the coordinate which the bit map picture specifies is detected

162 RGB -It calculates palette value and the data of the color which is specified at the time of 32768 color mode, from each color component

163 RGBADD - calculates palette value and the color data which is specified at the time of 32768 color mode, in every color component increase and decrease value

164 RGBTO - It is close in the value which designates palette value and the data of the color which is specified at the time of 32768 color mode, as target Calculating ‚ column value, which it returns

-OBJ instruction / function

20 (link structure: the parent OBJECT:@PARENT) the related attaching of the OBJECT (the PARENT) 198 where it specifies

21 (link structure: the child OBJECT@CHILD) the related attaching of the OBJECT (the CHILD) 204 where it returns

23 (link structure: the younger brother OBJECT:@RIGHT) the related attaching of the OBJECT (the RIGHT) 205 where it returns

56 (the X position:@XD which is projected on the picture) as for the OBJECT when being projected on the picture, 210 where coordinate is read out

57 (the Y position:@YD which is projected on the picture) as for the OBJECT when being projected on the picture, 210 where coordinate is read out

58 (the Z position:@ZD from on the picture) as for the OBJECT when being projected on the picture, 210 where coordinate is read out

59 (the RADIUS/ZD:@RD) as for the OBJECT when being projected on the picture, 210 where coordinate is read out

62 (the contact flag and the distance:@COLIDIST) 212 where result of collision decision of the OBJECT is inspected

63 (the OBJECT number:@COLIOBJ which contacted) 213 where the OBJECT number which collides with collision decision of the OBJECT is acquired

64 (the matrix M00 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

65 (the matrix M01 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

66 (the matrix M02 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

67 (the matrix M10 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

68 (the matrix M11 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

69 (the matrix M12 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

70 (the matrix M20 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

71 (the matrix M21 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

72 (the matrix M22 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

73 (the matrix M30 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

74 (the matrix M31 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

75 (the matrix M32 at the time of perspective conversion) 214 where matrix value at the time of perspective conversion of the OBJECT is read out

- ƒX ply To / 3 D functions

224 ATRID - where the unused attribute ID is returned

224 POLYGONID - where contents of polygon are read out

225 TEXID - where contents of the texture ID are read out

226 VERTEX - where contents of the apex ID are read out

- Instruction related to sound

267 MMLSTAT () - where the parameter which is in the midst of performing is acquired

272 PLAYSTAT() - where whether or not the sequence number which is specified, while performing you inspect

283 SFRE () - where the free area of ƒ\ƒ"ƒO data area is returned

307 TFRE () - where the free area of timbre data area is returned

309 TPROP ()- where read-out of command of the timbre data is done

* Floating point type function ------------

- Generality instruction

25 ATN - returns the opposite tangent (the arc tangent)

31 COS - returns the cosine for angle (the cosine)

36 EXP - specified function (the digital wood which designates the E as the bottom you express and starts and power) it calculates

56 LOG - where natural logarithm of the numerical value which is specified is returned

78 SIN - Returns the sine (sign)

80 SQR - square root is returned

83 TAN - returns (the tangent)

95 XSQR - square root is returned

- File function

115 LOC - reading and writing position acquisition of the file which is been open

115 LOF - where the terminal of reading and writing position of the file which is been open is returned

* Character string type function --------


25 BIN$ - numerical value is converted to the character string of binary veneration type

26 BINHEX$- where the character string of binary format is converted to the character string of hexadecimal format

27 BITW$ - where it converts the bit width of the data in the character string

28 CHR$ - where the character which corresponds to the character code which is specified is returned

32 DATE$ - where the time of day information is acquired from the built-in clock

42 HEX$ - where the numerical value is converted to the character string of hexadecimal format

43 HEXBIN$ - where the character string of hexadecimal format is converted to the character string of binary format

47 INKEY$ - where information of entry of the key 1 character is read from the keyboard

49 INPUT$ - where it waits until there is entry of specified character several parts

53 LEFT$ - where it returns the character string of the length which is specified from the left side in the character string.

58 MID$ - where it fetches the length from the digit position which specifies the portion in character string

68 PEEK$ - where the data is read out as the character string from user area

75 RIGHT$ - where it returns from the right flank in the character string, fetching the character string of the length which is specified

79 SPACE$ - where the character string of nul of the length which is specified is returned

80 STR$ - numerical value is converted to the character string of decimal format

81 STRING$ - where the character string which repeated the character which is specified is returned

82 STRW$ - the character string which repeated the data which is specified is returned

90 WADD$ - the character string which said the addition and subtraction vis-a-vis the character string is returned

90 WANDOR$ - the character string which said the operation with the AND and the OR vis-a-vis the character string is returned

91 WMUL$ - where the character string which said multiplication vis-a-vis the character string is returned

92 WXOR$ - where the character string which said the operation with the XOR vis-a-vis the character string is returned

- File function

114 FILES$ - where it returns the character string of the file name which agrees retrieving the file

-BG/ text / video type function

160 READCHR$ - where the pattern generator data is sent from the character picture

161 READHEX$ - where the character string of hexadecimal is converted to the character string of reading binary format from the data statement

* Direct executive order and indirect executive order --------------

- Generality instruction

29 CLEAR - Guaranty of variable and initialization and user area and file area of stack

33 DIM - where dominant string variable is declared

25 END - End of program

36 ERROR - where generation of error is simulated

43 IFGOTO - deciding the conditional system which is specified, with the authenticity processing where it branches

44 IFTHENELSEENDUF - deciding the conditional system which is specified, with the authenticity processing where it branches

48 INPUT - where entry in the optional character string is accepted from the keyboard

51 INT - where the maximum integer value which does not exceed the ‚  tie which is specified is returned

54 LET - where value of the formula which is given to the right-hand side, is substituted to the variable of the left-hand side

55 LOCATE - where cursor position of the text picture is specified

56 LOCK - where interruption processing is prohibited

********* 57 where from the digit position which specifies the contents of MI D$ character variable, it replaces to the optional character string

59 NEXT - end of FOR looping processing

68 POKE - where the data is written to the address which user area specifies

69 PRINT - where character is displayed in the text picture

70 PRINTUSING - character is displayed with the format which is specified to the text picture

71 RANDOMIZE - Setting of random number system

********The 72#0101 which shows the start of the REM notes statement

' 72 where start of the notes statement is shown

74 RESUME End of error processing

76 RUN - where the program is executed

79 SKCLOSE - where the software keyboard is closed

83 SWAP - where contents of variable are replaced

85 UNLOCK - where interruption processing is permitted

88 USERDATA () - where status of instruction is returned

91 WIDTH - where the display screen of the text picture is set

- File instruction

98 BLOADCLEAR - where the file is written to contents of the user area which is guaranteed in instruction

99 BSAVECLEAR - where it starts writing the contents of the user area which is guaranteed in instruction to the file

100 CLOSE - End of file access

100 FILES - Retrieving the file, where it displays the file name which exists

101 FORMAT - where the device which is specified is initialized

102 FREAD - where from file area the data is written to character variable

102 FWRITE - where the data is written to file area

103 GLOAD - where it loads to the logical BG which specifies the bit map data which is specified


106 BG - the file name which specifies the bitmap data of the logical BG which is specified

106 GSAVE - where it writes out as the data


108 KILL - where the file which is specified is deleted

108 LOAD - You read the program list and are dense

110 OPEN - where it prepares in order to read and write the data vis-a-vis the file

112 SEEK - where reading and writing position of the file is specified

-BG/ text / video type instruction system

117 ACTIVE - Setting of default number of default logical BG

118 CCOPY - Transfer of the picture data of the rectangular area which deals with the character picture

120 CIRCLE - where a circle is drawn in the bit map picture

121 CLS - where the picture is erased

122 COLOR - where indicatory color and peripheral color et cetera of the picture are set

122 COLOROFSBG - where it colors the picture and the ƒX ply To picture

124 DISPLAYBG - where the ON/OFF of picture display is done

125 GCOPY - Transfer of the picture data of the rectangular area which deals with the bit map picture

127 KLOAD - where display of Chinese character is made possible

128 KPRINT - Display to bit map picture of Chinese character

132 LINE - where the straight line or rectangle is drawn in the bit map picture

133 MOSAICBG - where the mosaic is applied vis-a-vis the picture

134 PAINT - where it paints with the color which specifies the area of the bit map picture

136 PALETTE - Modification of pallet value

137 PRIORITY - where the precedence where the picture is displayed is set

139 PSET - where the point is displayed in the coordinate which the bit map picture specifies

139 PUTCHAR - Entry of pattern name craftsman/teacher data to character picture

142 ROTATE - where indicatory angle of the rotary picture is set

142 ROTCENTER - where central position of the rotary picture is set

143 ROTOVER - revolution area of surface display setting of part outside

144 ROTPOS - where distance to the center of the rotary picture is set from point of view

145 ROTZOOM - Zoom of rotary BG picture (ƒX The k ring) where it does Enlargement ratio to the respective direction of the surface of revolution is set.

146 SCREEN - Initialization of picture and setting of picture mode

151 SCROLL - usually scroll of the picture

152 SETCHR - where the pattern data which is used in the character picture is written

154 VSYNC - waits until the VSYNC the time when it specifies elapses

155 WINDOW - where the range which is drawn in bit map drawing instruction is specified

156 ZOOM - usually enlargement of the picture



166 CAMERAOBJECT - The case where the camera is displayed setting of camera angle the position it is dense

167 PUTSPRITE - ƒX ply To is displayed


169 SETDISP - It projects to the front which extent of the picture plane of the polygon which it sees.

169 SETLIGHT - where the illuminant is set

170 SETPERS - where it sets the angle of view of range of vision

170 SETFONT - where the character data of polygon is defined

172 SETPOLYGON - polygon surface group (the polygon surface list) where it defines


174 SETSPRITE - where ƒX ply To is displayed


175 SETVERTEX - where the apex group which is used with polygon is defined


177 SPRITE$ - ƒX ply To's pattern definition

178 SPRWINDOW - where ƒX ply To, and the range which restricts the display of polygon are set


-OBJ instruction / function


215 OBJATROBJECT - where the attribute ID and the polygon ID are specified to the OBJATROBJECT

" Parentage " of the OBJLINKOBJECT 215 where it specifies

" Relative position " from the OBJPOS parent OBJECT 216 where it specifies

216 OBJROT - From angle of the parent OBJECT relative " turning angle "

216 OBJTURN -where it specifies angle of the parent OBJECT relative " turning angle "

217 where it specifies

217 where the OBJTYPEOBJECT is specified

218 OBJZOOMOBJECT - Specifies the "Indicatory magnification ratio "

218 SETATR - where the attribute which is given to each surface of polygon is defined

222 SETTEX - where the texture is defined



252 BEEP - alarm is sounded. The ƒ\ƒ"ƒO number "0 " where the error sound which is registered is reset to default warning sound

253 BGMSETSONG - instruction, where the MML which is already registered to sound memory is sounded

254 DSP - where it controls DSP

256 EFFECTMML - Performs the music which is specified in the character string (effective sound)


259 EGEG - (the envelope generator) the which sets parameter

263 LFOLFO - where it sets parameter

The music which is specified in the PLAYMML character string (effective sound) it performs.Performance 1 instruction at a time ending

Waiting 270 where it performs

272 PLAYCONTPLAYPAUSE - where the performance which is stopped at one time is reopened

273 PLAYFADE - using the sequence number which is specified, where it modifies the volume of the sound which it performs gradually

274 PLAYINIT - which initializes sound memory, modifies the block allotment of MML area

279 PLAYPAN - using the sequence number which is specified, where it modifies the generation direction of the sound which it performs

280 PLAYPAUSE - using the sequence number which is specified, where it stops the sound which it performs at one time

280 PLAYSTOP - using the sequence number which is specified, where it stops the sound which it performs

280 PLAYTEMPO - using the sequence number which is specified, where it modifies the speed of the sound which it performs

285 TARG - Rearrangement of timbre data, and register of original sound source

308 TLIST - where simple explanation of the timbre data file is displayed

309 TPROP() - where it rewrites the command of the timbre data

317 VOLUME - where volume is adjusted


-OBJ instruction / function


181 Structural body for ƒX ply To display of OBJ 2 D and 3 D

0 (the OBJECT type:@TYPE) 187 where method of presentation of the OBJECT is specified

1 (the auxiliary flag:@FLAG) the case where the OBJECT is displayed 191 where operation is specified

2 (the OBJECT group:@GROUP) 192 where the group for collision decision of the OBJECT is specified

4 (the X position:@XP) from the parent OBJECT the XP (relative position (X coordinate)) 193 where it specifies

5 (the Y position:@YP) from the parent OBJECT the YP (relative position (the Y-coordinate)) 193 where it specifies

6 (the Z position:@ZP) from the parent OBJECT the ZP (relative position (Z coordinate)) 193 where it specifies

8 (the X angle of rotation:@XR) the XR of the OBJECT (the turning angle for the X axis) specification 194

9 (the Y angle of rotation:@YR) the YR of the OBJECT (the turning angle for the Y-axis) specification 194

10 (the Z angle of rotation:@ZR) the ZR of the OBJECT (the turning angle for the Z axis) specification 194

12 (the X scale:@XS) the XS of the OBJECT (magnification ratio of X axial direction) 194 where it specifies

13 (the Y scale:@YS) the YS of the OBJECT (magnification ratio of Y-axis direction) 194 where it specifies

14 (the Z scale:@ZS) the ZS of the OBJECT (magnification ratio of Z axial direction) the 194#0101 which is specified

16 (the attribute ID number:@ATR) the ATR (ƒX ply To and the ID number of surface information of polygon which are produced in SETATR instruction

) 196 where it specifies

17 (the polygon ID number:@POLYGON) the POLYGON (position information ID number of the polygon which produces in SETPOLYGON instruction)

196 where it specifies

18 (the portable rotational transform sequence:@ORDER) the ORDER (conversion sequence of 3 DOBJECT) 196 where it specifies

19 (the indicatory time:@TIME) indicatory time of the OBJECT (the TIME) 197 where it specifies

24 (the X speed:@XV) the value which is added to the X coordinate of the OBJECT (XV) 205 where it gives

25 (the Y speed:@YV) the value which is added to the Y-coordinate of the OBJECT (the YV) 205 where it gives

26 (the Z speed:@ZV) the value which is added to the Z coordinate of the OBJECT (the ZV) 205 where it gives

28 (the X accelerating:@XA) X speed of the OBJECT (XV) the acceleration which is added (the XA) 206 where it gives

29 (the Y accelerating:@YA) Y speed of the OBJECT (the YV) the acceleration which is added (the XA) 206 where it gives

30 (the Z accelerating:@ZA) Z speed of the OBJECT (the ZV) the acceleration which is added (the XA) 206 where it gives

In order 32 (the X speed limiter:@XL) X speed of the OBJECT (XV) for absolute value not to exceed this value, 207 where it specifies

In order 33 (the Y speed limiter:@YL) Y speed of the OBJECT (the YV) for absolute value not to exceed this value, 207 where it specifies

In order 34 (the Z speed limiter:@ZL) Z speed of the OBJECT (the ZV) for absolute value not to exceed this value, 207 where it specifies

36 (the X rotary speed:@XRV) the XR of the OBJ (the turning angle for the X axis) 208 where the value which is added is given

37 (the Y rotary speed:@YRV) the YR of the OBJ (the turning angle for the Y-axis) 208 where the value which is added is given

38 (the Z rotary speed:@ZRV) the ZR of the OBJ (the turning angle for the Z axis) 208 where the value which is added is given

48 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex X0:@X P0) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

49 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex Y0:@Y P0) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

50 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex X1:@X P1) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

51 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex Y1:@Y P1) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

52 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex X2:@X P2) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

53 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex Y2:@Y P2) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

54 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex X3:@X P3) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

55 (4 point specified ƒX ply To apex Y3:@Y P3) 2 D ƒX ply To's of TYPE= 3 display (4 point specifications) 209 where position is specified

60 (the specified:@GTEST of the collision decision group) the collision decision group ‚» 211 where it specifies

61 (the radius:@RADIUS for contact decision) 212 where radius of the collision which is used with the GTEST is specified

* Direct executive order -------------

- Generality instruction

31 CONT - reopening the program which is discontinued

33 DELETE - where the program list of specified line is deleted

34 EDIT - where variable of the program list is done

37 FIND - Seeking string or programming where the character string is retrieved

55 LIST - where the program list is displayed

58 NEW - where the program list is erased from memory

73 RENUM - Re-allocation of line numbers

- File instruction

111 SAVE - where the program list is retained


- Generality instruction

31 DATA - where it defines constant as the data

41 GOSUB - where subroutine processing is accessed

41 GOTO - where it moves to the forefront of the line which is specified

51 INTERVAL - where the interval timer is set

59 ONERRORGOTO - where error processing program is specified

60 ONGOSUB - where the subroutine which responds to the value of system is returned

61 ONGOTO - where it moves to the forefront of the line which responds to the value of system

62 ONINTERVAL - where the processing which is accessed with the interval timer interruption is set

63 ONRESTORE - where position of the data which is loaded the by the value of the numerical system which is specified, is specified

64 ONTIMER - where the processing which is accessed with the countdown timer interruption is specified

72 READDATA - where the data which is defined at amount is read out

73 RESTORE - Specification of data read-out position

74 RETURN - Carriage return from subroutine processing

80 STOP - execution of the program is discontinued

94 TIMER - where the countdown timer is set

86 USRDATA - Using user area, where it accesses DATA statement format

- Instruction related to sound


260 ONMMLSTATGOSUBMML - Control command of the (you monitor "!") with the interruption, when value returns, you execute

269 SETSONGDATA - The where bull program is set

Batching converting the MML which is defined in the statement, where it registers to sound memory


* It specified the part of the explanation that the " logical BG " with it has rewritten " < the logical BG> " and so on, it is specified with option.* As for MML another text

* It creates side width with half angle 100 character

(C)1998 Asciicorp./bitslaboratory/espinc.